Accountant of Sandrock - MeowsHouse (2024)

Chapter 1

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It beggar's belief almost that this small woman attacked the accounts with such ferocity, like a conductor she would be a whirlwind of sorting and paperwork. Eventually a crescendo and there was a neat little stack of accounting for all those bits of paper and mess.
Even Coopers lax filing system was wrangled into proper shape. Trudy was considering hiring her to tackle some of the City Hall workings as well.
The woman loved to organise, the sheer joy on her face as she found every little sum, and organised them neatly was astounding to watch.
Andy was quite frankly half in love with her joy in maths, after she did a talk at the school under Miss Jane's eye. Jasmine was equally fascinated, but also jealous of Andy and his veritable hyperbole about the woman.
Owen had her over to check his own accounts, but she had just happily nodded her way through his own efforts, gently organising it into a tidier whole, but mostly left it as is. Her little nod and happy smile for the organisation, had Owen smiling right back with his unique charm.
Unsuur was utterly taken with her, as he watched her sigh and tackle the filing system at the Civil Corps. Paperweights of various types and shapes had him staring as she weighed down the various stacks and took her anger out in the incompetent forebears of Justice's time and slowly slowly some headway was being made with the current accounting while the backlog was put to one side for the time being. She frequently eyeballs it with a sneer on her lips. She would get to it in time. Unsuur would swear he saw the piles tremble anxiously under that look.
Captain was also utterly charmed, relaxing in her lap, chasing papers that floated gently to the floor and sitting on the one she needed right at that very moment. Yet she never expressed any anger at the feline. Despite a tight schedule she would tickle his chin and either move on or distract him in order to get what she wanted under his paws,
She wasn't particularly surprised to find many of the recent pieces of paperwork bore his paw shapes in ink prints. This would make her laugh and tut at him for leaving behind evidence of his crimes. One particularly clear print she even copied the surrounding notes out onto another piece of paper, trimmed the unnecessary edges, and rframed it to hang on the wall. Thereby winning an ally in Justice and Unsuur, for her enjoyment in their feline member of the Corps.

As meetings under the moonlight go, it was anything but romantic, at first anyway. She was fighting off a bout of insomnia in the early morning hours before dawn, he was up working out and jogging around Sandrock. Neither paid much attention to the fact someone else was at the Oasis at first. But as Unsuur turned a corner and found her, realising she was the other person occupying the place, he halted in place. Startled at first she relaxed upon seeing it was Unsuur, smiling up at the man as the full moon silvered her features and the low lamp gave its own golden glow.
Unsuur wiped his brow and hands of sweat with a towel round his shoulders, smiling back.
"Can I sit with you?"
"Sure, that would be nice, a little company. Though it's lovely and cool and calm out here right now."
The air was warmer in the Autumn over night than the chills of the summer, but still cold. A shawl draped over her body kept her warm and hid away her partially unclothed state.
Unsuur noticed the unbound curve of her breast as the blanket moved and opened enough as she drank from a flask by her side. Flushing, he looked away, trying to focus his mind on anything but the smooth silk of the strappy top and the way it clung to her soft curves.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asked of her
"Happens sometimes, my head gets so busy it cant unwind enough, and the jobs not exactly physical enough to tire me out that way. I tried some exercises but even that didn't take. So hear I am, it's peaceful and calm out here, soothing almost."
Unsuur felt awkward like he was disturbing that slice of peace, but even before he could stutteringly apologise, she was speaking again in a hurried manner.
"Not that I mean I don't like you being here too, you're wonderful company, I mean ...uh.. I'm comfortable with you here too? Oh Peach I don't know what I'm saying. Sorry."
Her hands were worrying at the corner of the folds of the blanket shawl, up Unsuur hesitatingly readh out to still the fidgeting. Give a gentle squeeze.
She blinked up at him staring into his dark eyes and turned her hand enough to clench his hand in hers. They sat there for some time just quietly takin in the peace of the early morning and each ither company.
Parting as the distant crow of a rocket rooster heralded the oncoming dawn.
Unsuur looked for her the next morning on his run, but she was sleeping at this hour. Circling round, the windows of her home were dark near the science centre, he hoped she was sleeping deeply and calmly at least.
It was a week before she was at the Oasis again, and Unsuur had stuttered uncomfortably trying to nt be utterly awkward around her. Then she had patted at the spot next to her, in quiet understanding. Instinct had them reach hands out to the other again.
From then on, at least once a week, he would find her by the Oasis and they would sit together. Quietly enjoying the night. Sometimes they talked, bt most often they didn't, just enjoying the time and company.
Both were uncertain about how to broach the subject, of asking for more from the other, not knowing that the idea would be reciprocated and not rejected. So the stalemate of their time continued.

Chapter 2: Sesha


A small tidbit of a chapter about our accountant,

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Sesha had arrived in Sandrock under the auspices of Trudy the mayor, their families had long known each other apparently and when Trudy had reached out for help in organising the town Sesha had known that this was the perfect opportunity to go out and set up her own firm.
The town was undergoing a boom and expansion after all the events reported in the newspapers and elsewhere, the new found water and the greenification were calling the Hardy and risk takers to try their luck at establishing a home in the area.
So far however they lacked a good stable accountant to help tidy the mess of the decay of many decades. She had been assured of work, at the very least through Trudy herself in the government offices, and through organising the paperwork and funds of the attached Civil Corps. There were also several businesses who would no doubt reach out for assistance.
So organising a home with a small shop front office, Sesha had lept free of her family and descended on the town.
She was a slight woman, full of energy, tempered with a dedication to her job, and a love of organisation, that fueled her. Nothing delighted her more than putting all the pieces of paper in just the rights places, dotting the i's and crossing the t's and getting all the accounts balanced to perfection.
Sandrock was going to be a task of frustration and finesse, and she delighted in the prospect, after being corralled into the family firm, which was slowly sucking the joy of her job out from under her. It helped that she had several other skills to supplement her income if need be.
Sesha was named after an ancient goddess of mathematics and writing, from what her mother woukd tell her of the stories. Her golden skin and deep lapis hair came from that ancestors, her malachite eyes from elsewhere. She kept her hair in a neat cut that hit just above her shoulders, so she could sweep it up into a hair clip if needed, or leave it down. She wore a mix of style in clothes of jewel tones and creams to suit her complexion. The strict formalities of the City would not be adhered to too closely from what she had heard about Sandrock, especially considering the heat and sand a make up of its very nature.
So she had bought lots of loose flowing clothes with her alongside some more formal outfits and casual ones. Really her job required little beyond her mind, copious paperwork and a lot of ink, to start with. Any books of accounting theory and law were being shipped ahead of her, along with a request for a hand made old wood desk and the exact proportions and drawer spaces needed. She was exacting and knew what she liked when it came to office furniture. A comfortable chair being a must have.
Trudy had met her at the station and shown her the small office and the above flat, sited near to the technical centre, she had been told the name but it slipped from her mind, with a Director Qi at the helm. Trudy had stated with a frown, that her checking over the paperwork there might be worth a look too. She had already been contracted to go over paperwork with the owner of the local budding Amusem*nt Park known as Catori World, and to organise the lax paperwork and accounts at the Civil Corps in particular of the government contracts.

Hopefully word would spread of her skills, money going to funding the ownership of the building as well as her own simple needs. Though an emergency fund was always a good idea as a nice cushion. Her normal fund for emergencies was severely depleted after this escapade, as her family termed her move out to the middle of the desert. Only her elder brother had been supportive of her going on her own way. He wrote many expressive letters of support and reminders of things she would need, till she was almost buried in letters from him. She kept each missive stashed away as a precious item to peruse at her own leisure.
Sesha was finding adjusting to Sandrock life fairly easy going, though the amount of genuinely good looking and attractive people around had her Utterly gobsmacked. It didnt help that so many of them were ridiculously tall either, she felt like a pebble amoung mountains half of the time. Did they put something in the water here to grow up with all those muscles and height? Meeting various people had her intimidated at first, but she gradually relaxed her skittish demeanor as best she could.
In the main her relationships were developing well she thought, a few corners rubbed raw with some, others were easier to get along with. She even enjoyed the long winded conversations of Cooper to most everyone's surprise. But not her own. The older gentleman reminded her of her grandfather in the way he had his rants and little stories and asides. So she always took time out of her schedule to listen to him when she could.

After being in Sandrock for 8 weeks sorting out the collection of paperwork Trudy had asked her to do on the Mayoral end of things, it was time to tackle the Civil Corps and meet some of the other members of the flourishing group than Justice, she had heard that due to the influx of people 2 new members of the team were employed recently and also that a couple were stationed in some of the small towns on rotating routes that interacted with the monster hunters of the area

Chapter 3: Unsuur


Just a bit from Unsuur's point of view when first meeting Sesha.

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Unsuur woke up again, another day loomed on the horizon, mechanically getting up and working through his morning routine he sighed. The days were long and hard but he felt immense gratitude towards his job for keeping him going.
It was easier day by day and sometimes the hurt was faded enough that he felt relaxed and calm, he knew it had affected him. Quite badly at first, though he had been determined not to show it to the Builder, some form of pride in himself kept him straight and true while his heart crumbled inside. He had curled up at home and sobbed his way through the night, only Justice and Captain had kept him going, using the job and his position as deputy to help him carry on in the face of his loss.
It was so much harder after your life had been changed and full of bright care and warmth, to take it away and be left with the ashen remains, made it an interminable struggle to just keep going on. A death of a relationship and a part of him, he genuinely thought his heart was breaking.
Over time he remained how the relationship had been, and found the problems and the issues he had willfully ignored. He didn't blame her for leaving, he just wasn't enough for someone as bright and full of life and excitement as her.
Watching her and Logan together had been like a puzzle piece slotting together. Even he understood that. But it still hurt, having to go back to emptiness and his silent home every evenings.
Captain still came to check on him sometimes, this appeared to be one of those mornings. He was patting at the door and entering to check his home and come for a scratch and attention. Unsuur was beginning to think he came just for the snacks sometimes. He always had a piece of fish ready for Captain set to one side in a can. Captain would scoff it up and use it to fuel his day, Justice had had words with him about how they were overfeeding the cat. So they had decreased his portion sizes on the days he visited Unsuur. Much to Captains disgust he wasn't allowed to get away with his behaviour.
Unsuur smiled fondly at his fellow Corps member, "All shiny and put together today Captain. Well I am at keast, this new figures and numbers person is going to have a shock at the state of the filing system I think!"
He had tried himself on being made deputy yo wrangle some form of order, but the rot ran too deep after almost a decade of bad filing preexisting before even Justice became Sheriff.
"I suppose its a good thing we are attacking it now, can you imagine how much worse either would of gotten, with the new members we have, and the rangers in the small towns? At least we always get paid on time."
He continued his chat with the attentive feline as he left his home and walked the few feet to work.
"Guess this is our stop. Shall we see what's happening today?"
Unsuur had only seen the accountant from a distance, a small but curvy figure buried under paperwork at City Hall, she seemed to be full of life and vitality. Opening the door to find her, and his Sheriff, at cross hairs, he was struck by that vitality once again, along with just how wonderfully pretty he found her.
His heart rate sped up when she turned to him and the cat in the doorway, a smile gracing her lips and shining in her deep green eyes. Her hair was swept into a braid and so dark he woukd of thought it black but for the shine of blue in the light. She was short, maybe even smaller than the builder. Somewhere around 5 foot tall and a little bit more perhaps. But she had the most luscious curves on display where her loose blouse and trousers clung to her. Unsuur paused utterly taken with her, stuttering to life with a stumble and a blush when he was introduced.
"Nice to meet you Deputy Unsuur!" She smiled delightedly up at him.
Stammering a hello he flinched and retreated to the upstairs desk that had been recently placed for him to work at.
Justice let him go with a shake of his head, and suggested it might be a good idea to fuel their day with coffee. Unsuur liked the sound of that, the corps had invested in a good Coffee set up as a congratulations when all the fuss and bother had ended with Duvos. It was much better than the previous set up that seemed to just produce sludge. That was a relic from before Justice, who loved a good brew, so now able to update the machine the Sheriff had ensured they would have a good coffee every morning that no longer tasted like machine oil.

Chapter 4: First steps of Attraction


Unsuur reflects on how he feels with Sesha in the office.

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Unsuur felt hands stroke him up across his belly and over his chest. He could just about hear a low toned voice in his ear, but how ever much he strained he could not hear what was said. Strong teeth took hold of his earlobe and tugged, a breath heavy in his ear had him moaning and reaching for ... nothing.
He woke with a jolt and the worst ache low down on his back and his morning erection straining to be free from his pyjama short. Groaning her fell back against the pillows with his heels of his hands pushing at the sockets of his eyes. He wasn't sure what was worse, the nightmares or the dirtiest dreams he kept on having. That one had been tame in comparison to other nights recently.
He knew the cause, the lithe petite body of Sesha flitting around from file cabinet to desk. He couldn't stop watching her, even out on patrol he thought about what she was doing back at the Civil Corps building. It wasn't her fault, but she was driving him crazy, the previous nights dream had him pushing her up against the desk as she leaned over to grab something, cupping her ass with his crotch and pulling her by the hips back into his straining pants.

This wasn't helping! He groaned and headed for a shower, determined to take care of the problem, washing it away down the drain and hoping he could do the same with his insistent desire. He didn't ever remember being quite so ... distressed? About the builder. Though they had never really worked in such close proximity, aside from a few dangerous missions when they were all focused on other things. Such as fighting for their lives.

Sesha had him turned about and upside down, intrigued by her he had watched her thump down a bag onto Justice's desk the second day of her organisation deconstruction. That was what she had called it, he kind of liked the sound of it, after having double checked the meaning in his well thumbed dictionary.
Justice had joked to her about carrying rocks around, deadpan she had turned back to him, a stack of papers in hand. Opening the bag she pulled out a palm sized chunk of amethyst and used it to weight down the paperwork. She had smiled with quiet entertainment while Justice ranted about crazy rock lovers. He had had to explain Unsuur's interest in rocks and minerals to her before she had understood what the Sheriff was on about.

One of his break times, he had walked in and made coffee for both himself and Sesha, as was becoming his habit, and she had offered him a large chunk of Amethst she had been using earlier. It was a dirty, earth flecked crystal, like a dragons tooth, almost, she had said. He had turned it over in his hands, and smiled at her. Hesitantly they had started to discuss some of the other chunks in her bag, and he had been delighted to find many were interesting chunks of pyrite, quartz and other common minerals, all interesting in some way, even if they were of low value. The cube like pyrite piece with a corner cut off she had admitted to being a favourite of hers, just for its shape. She had explained that though it lacked something other pieces of pyrite might have, to make themselves a cubic whole, it was in itself as it was supposed to be. Missing piece and all.
He had been...charmed by the idea, that she loved these flawed rocks however interesting or otherwise they may be. Each had a story to them, and over several days he had warmed to her as he sat and listened to her rattle on about each. She had allowed him to pick up each one and turn it over in his hands. A piece of a dull jasper slice with interesting rings, a geode of dirty quartz, rutilated quartz full of flaws, each had a story about how she had gotten it. Even if it was that of a simple present.

It wasn't more than a week or so before she had declared herself satisfied to of found the last 5 years worth of paperwork. But had discussed with Justice, within his hearing, about looking at the back log during a slower part of the year. For now, the most recent and pressing issue was getting their current financials tugged into shape.
And then she was gone, paperwork lightened the office felt ...lacking without her presence, however much he had been attracted to her and wanting to touch her constantly, when she was gone it felt like a massive silence descended upon his workplace.

Except she wasn't gone really was she? He still saw her in town, and now she would veer in his direction to pass the time of day with him whenever she spotted his form. All to his own surprise, she seemed to enjoy chatting to him, though he didn't say a whole lot of anything back, except maybe his usual jokes and commentary on sand and the like.
It left him feeling utterly flustered, and at the same time, seen in a way he hadn't felt since the builder was pressing her attentions on him. Unsuur really wasn't...sure...what to do about it at all. Especially after last time. Did he want to risk the hurt and pain of it all over again? Yet he couldn't deny that inevitable strong pull he had towards Sesha, like a lodestone in his life.

Chapter 5: In the dark morning


Sesha's musings and the meetings at night,

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Sesha didn't want to examine too closely how she felt about the Deputy of the Civil Corps. She had found him charming and attractive, if quiet, while she wrangled some sense of the paperwork and found 5 years worth of papers stashed in various obscure places around the building.
His dark blue steel hair, the deep dark eyes that could warm with Amber, and the interest he showed in her whimsical collection of paperweight wrecks had all hit her with a visceral punch to the stomach. Down low. She could identify the distinctive smell of the man an aroma of clean soap, gunpowder, and lemon mixed with a healthy male sweat. It had her distracted when he was in the process and when he wasn't. She had simultaneously wanted to escape and to linger at the Civol Corps building just to spend more time with him.

That was too seductive of a pull than she could cope with, and after almost 2 weeks of work she had trailed several boxes of work, with the Deputies help, to her office and home. She sat in the slightly cooler air now. Turning through the pages in order to sort out pay cheques, incoming orders and requests of bounties and other informations as well as the out going sundry orders for fabric and repairs to uniforms.

From what she could gather it had been many hectic years, even before the Duvos disaster, with harassment from a lizard biped species called Geeglers. Apparently one now worked at the Blue Moon as a chef? Either way it meant a downtime in the repairs needed to their uniforms now things were hopefully settling down. Cost approximations for the next few years so far seemed stable. But she was concerned about the building they were using, the expansion of the town and the Civil Corps with new employees, and that damned jail being off the floor. Surely that was a potential problem? Maybe she could flag that to Trudy, when she submitted her paperwork and suggestions for a building expansion, to cope with the projected incoming citizenry and tourists based on Alliance population estimates?

With a sigh Sesha scraped the hair from her face and stared out the front window at the path in front of her building. The quiet side street had very few visitors and was a calm and restful area to work in. It also kept the sun off with the directions of the buildings and shade, for the worst part of the day. Though it didn't make it any less hot. She was struggling to cope with the changes of heat to cold, of overnight temperatures, insomnia rearing its ugly head in her life again.

So she took to taking early morning walks outside in the quiet before dawn. It probably wasn't the most sensible thing to do safety wise, but enjoying the cool and the town helped her to process her thoughts and emotions. Even just sitting and watching the Oasis was calming.
It just so happened that she started to bump into Unsuur as well during those forays.When he had taken her hand, while she was nervously fiddling with her shawl, she had been startled by his proactive behaviour. Perhaps the night and the quiet made him bold? She mused to herself. But it never really went anywhere, just a comfort in the night, holding hands and passing time.

Sesha found his company relaxing and also awkward, shivering sometimes on tenterhooks to talk more, or explore their attraction. At least she thought he found her attractive? Or was he just being kind? Men didn't just randomly hold your hand in the predawn hours for no reason did they?

It was perplexing yet also wonderful to feel that companionship, she knew it wouldn't last, nothing ever did. So she leant into the feeling and enjoyed it as much as she could. Enjoying the sensation of his warm body next to hers, his hand with its calluses holding her gently but firmly. Sometimes she would take further advantage and sleepily lean her head against that strong well muscled arm, feeling his indrawn breath and yet knowing neither of them would disturb the current status quo. She felt he too must be deriving some form of comfort, from this quiet connection in the dark. At least she hoped he did.

Of course it couldn't go on, she knew that, at somepoint a scale would tip and they would be heaved from this relaxation. For better or worse.

Chapter Text

Justice had noticed his Deputies interest in Sesha, at first he had tried not to say anything. He felt somewhat guilty for how he had urged Unsuur to chase his feelings for the builder when he was asked about having friend feelings for someone else. The Sheriff had been the ine to point out that some of the things Unsuur had wanted to do may not be considered to be friend like feelings.

But watching Unsuur stumble through his feelings again, and the confusion the guy was feeling was evident, he couldn't help himself. So he stuck his oar in again.
"You know you like her right? The Accountant lady?" He asked while pouring out morning coffee for themselves.
Unsuur had gulped a mouthful of his own brew, liberally doused with Yakmel milk, and turned red to the roots of his hair. "Sheriff?"
"Don't play dumb Unsuur. I'm not half as daft as you seem to think I am." He watched Unsuur try and parse that sentence out, and shook the guys elbow to pull him from his reverie. "There's nothing wrong with liking her you know? It's just, how much do you like her?"

Unsuur tilted his head to one side, considering his feelings, how he enjoyed sitting next to Sesha in the dark of the night, her palm curled around his, how he watched the sashay of her skirt when walking away from him, or the clingyness of those three quarter trousers she also favoured for work. Unshur gulped when thinking about how little she wore when sitting with him at the oasis, how when pressed up against his arm, he could feel the curve of her breast, soft and pliable against his upper arm.
"I think I like her, more than a friend though." He was always honest when speaking, having no urge to hide his thoughts. He knew it made people uncomfortable sometimes, yet he hadn't seen Sesha even once flinch or come over confused at his dry humour. She had even laughed with him, delight sparkling in her deep green eyes. "Do you think she might like me back?" He wondered aloud.
"Well maybe you would have to ask her about it man, but you should do something about it soon, sure as sure that the other guys in town have noticed her too. It's up to you if you want to lose your chance with her or not." Justice rearranged the tie holding his dreads back and sauntered towards the door. "Have a think about it at least ey? I'll catch you later."

The door swung closed and the silence of the Civil Corps building settled around Unsuur who settled at the duty desk. Now there were more of them able to patrol the town, one was always in the office in order to take reports, and be a presence that was easy to find for queries.
Unsuur sat back in the chair and examined his feelings, conjecturjng about Sesha's own. He didn't think she would hold his hand like that if she didn't like him, right? But how much did she like him? She sometimes blushed or went a bit red, but he wasn't quite sure if that indicated like or something else.
Until he outright asked he knew there was no way to tell. Unsuur sighed, he had felt certain about the builder too, writing her letters about his admiration. But the moment she caught him he had fled, not ready to talk face to face she had been the one to indicate that she liked him as more than a friend.

Dating was ...tricky, he wasn't quite sure about what he was supposed to do with dating, you took them somewhere you liked. Maybe out for a meal or to the sand running sleds? He wasn't sure that was the kind of thing Sesha liked though. Did he want to risk the pain again?
It was all really confusing for him. He hated how it made his brain jumbled up and all over the place. But when he sat with her and held her hand, in the dark silence of the desert night, he felt calm and relaxed. Except maybe when he noticed her legs, long for her height, imagining them dpwrapped round his waist as she tangled her hands in his hair. What would she feel like to his touch? Soft and plush as she looked? Woukd she let him kiss her, touch her, doip other things?

He wanted her with a fierce ache, but was it enough? And how did he feel about the idea if kne of the other men in town taking her out, being the one to hold her hand, feel the softness of those pillowy lips against their own? He imagined her with Owen, or maybe Heidi or Qi.
That made his stomach roll, feeling sick at the thought his heart ached. Okay, no he didn't want her with Owen or Heidi or anyone else, he wanted to be the one that touched her and caressed her, explored under her skirt and teased her with his fingers, he wanted to be the one to hear her noises, though nice sounds a woman made when full of desire. The purrs of pleasure. He wanted her to touch him back too...
Unsuur smacked his head and pulled himself free of his imagination, he was at work! This was not the time or place to be thinking about this kind of thing!

He pulled the sheet he had been working on towards himself and reviewed the newest Civil Corps trainee's recorded patrol.
Fleetingly he contemplated the idea of a heart knot, or maybe something even more special. The builder had been the one to ask him put, in response to the letter he had written. Or maybe he asked her? He wasn't quite sure. But no heart knot had ever been involved. He wondered what it would be like to receive one, specifically to receive one from Sesha. He flushed at the thought, his stomach and heart fluttering out of control.

Thunking his head onto the desk, Unsuur berated himself, yet again, for the wandering thoughts he couldn't seem to lasso into control.

Chapter 7: Insomnia


Sesha agonises over her decision to talk to Unsuur about how she feels,

Chapter Text

Sesha groaned and thumped at her pillow in sheer embarrassment as she remembered the words she had spoken to Unsuur but an hour earlier. That awful horrible clogged feeling when you do something that you feel was utterly stupid was driving her crazy. Why did she have to say anything? She should of just.... not told him, right? Wouldn't that of been for the best?
It certainly would of spared her this mournful agony and the hurt that twinged at ger insides. She didn't dare hope, she knew to do so was futile, but she clung to the idea. The duality of both notions made her even more unsettled and uncomfortable with herself.

She had been having trouble sleeping again, she really did try and restrict the nights she wandered to the oasis to find Unsuur, some nights she even missed him, as she was just a fraction too late to catch him in his predawn run. She had several times tried to stop her obsessive behaviour and just stared at him as he ran past in the dark. Sweat sticking his hair to his brow, and the rhythmic thud of his feet had her watching him pass by from the front window of her little flat above the office.
She had admonished herself several times over her behaviour, true they were both single, but it wasn't the right way to go about anything. Their relationship was undefined and intangible, though they held hands and were physically close, they were anything but so. Seshat yearned to be able to be held in his arms, to feel precious and safe and loved, she wished that he would find comfort in her embrace too.. The thought of kissing Unsuur had fluttering nerves throwing signals of how deeply attracted to him she was.
So she had taken herself and her courage by the hand and made several attempts to confess she liked him. It wasn't until that early morning that she had been able to actually say anything to him. She felt physically sick almost, full or nerves and tension, but having been unable to open her mouth on previous nights, she leapt for the moon. And came crashing down to reality.

She had done her best to try and tell him that she liked him, as more than a friend, that she wanted to explore how she felt with him. She had even tentatively held out a satin woven heart knot, done in the traditional style her family favoured. A band of pinks and greens of touchable threads woven in and out in a long wide strip. A normal heart knot was just as intricate but seemed flimsy to her, she had even attached beads of rose quartz to the ends before they lopped to slide over each other securing the length of it to the wrist.
He had turned it over in his hands, his cheeks flushed, and explained to her that he found her attractive, but was hurting from a previous break up. How he didn't want to be hurt like that again. He had paid her the courtesy of looking into her eyes as he told her he wanted to think about it, it wasn't a firm no at least.
She had nodded, half teary eyed and feeling sick in a wholly different way, and she had watched him walk away across the oasis and home.

Tears had fallen after he left, a physical release of all that pent up emotion. Utterly frustrated with herself she had walked home sniffling and rubbing the tears away.
So now she lay staring at the ceiling, the comfort of Unsuur's hand in hers could no longer be felt, and she knew that it was better for both of them if she stayed away in the future. She would have to find an alternative to those walks, maybe she coukd start crocheting again? The repetitive movement had been relaxing, and it had helped her unwind and unravelling her thoughts as she listened to the click of the hook and created intricate presents for friends and neighbours. Sesha latched on to the mental distraction.

It would be a nice way to make presents for her new friends too. She certainly had brought with her a large box full of threads with her needles and counter slide, the little hooks for marking her place and holding loops. In fact a nice pretty shawl for Vivi in a deep purple woukd look very pretty, maybe she could even take some of the finer threads and create something for Heidi. They didn't have to be cosy items all, she could make something splendidly intricate for Heidi who she had begun to share a coffee with in the mornings, or for Nia something in pretty pastels to suit her cheerful enthusiasm.
She had met Nia when buying some plants to liven up her office environment, and delighted to find a kindred friend who love plants. Tthey had wiled away time together, sometimes with a meal in the evenings with the builder Mi-An and her fried Elsie.
Sesha had spent time talking about ceramics with Amirah, and had a comfortable cose with Pablo, talking about the outre fashion of some of the clients her family had dealt with. She knew Pablo would appreciate a delicately made intricate shawl with much joy and care.

There were many friends she had found in Sandrock, and the men were kind and respectful, a balm after the impersonal life of the City and the men she had had in her life previously. Maybe given time she might feel something for one of the other men?

But her heart really wasn't in the thought, all she wanted was to stare into dark eyes heated to amber and hold Unsuur to her tight, to share her feelings with him and know his back, to be able to touch and hold him whenever she could wish. She wanted him to want her as fiercely, to want to touch her and explore their need for one another,
Sesha believed she might be quite selfish in her need for the man. Perhaps that was unhealthy. She set the idea to one side as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8: Panic


Unsuur panics about his reaction to Sesha's words in the previous chapter.

Chapter Text

Unsuur was in a dead panic, floundering he knew he had done something utterly stupid. Why did he have to say that? He wanted to think about it? What was there to think about!? He knew he liked her! But no... just like when the Builder caught him with the envelope he had run!

This was becoming way too much of a habit, he turned the intricately woven bracelet round I his hands, recognising it as something she had made herself. Just for him, his own unique heart knot. He was stunned and awed that he had received such a token. That Sesha had had the bravery to approach him, though he had heard her voice tremble as she said she liked him, thst she wanted to get to know him better, that she thought she coukd more than just like him!

Crashing back on his bed with a groan Unsuur stared at the ceiling. "What am I going to do now Wilson?"
"I need to apologise, you're right, and tell Sesha I like her too." He gulped and confronted the idea, perhaps he could do this? It woukd help if he saw her in the early morning, noone was around then to watch him. He knew his face would be 'as red as a tomato' as Vivi had once said of Andy, who had been trying to ask Jasmine something important.

Except, she didn't turn up, any of the days he expected she might, she wasn't there. Sometimes he thought he saw a faint lamplight reflected from the back of the house. But it wasn't as if he could go and knock on her door at 4 or 5am.
He had started to panic more as the days passed, Justice had given him another talking to when he confessed what had happened. The Sheriff's advice was just to wear the 'danmed heart knot Unsuur'. He didn't want to do that without her knowing, he wanted to talk to her, not have it all go out of control with the rumour mill catching on to his new accessory and informing Sesha. Who's to say she would understand they meant her unique heart knot? What if it all got muddled and confused?

He paced his route around Sandrock, trying to keep an eye out for the curvy figure while also doing his job. But she wasn't there, she wasn't anywhere, and he hated to breach her office and confront her in front of clients, it seemed to be the only time she opened up was when she had a prearranged appointment.
Unsuur couldn't talk to her in front of a crowd in the Blue Moon, and knocking at her door was intimidating, especially if he didn't know if she was actually in there. It took more courage than he coukd hold to do that.
But what was the alternative? She wasn't coming to the oasis, he didn't see her anywhere else, it felt like she was hiding from him. What if she was? Did she think he had rejected her?
The thought had him almost hyperventilating, no that wasn't what he sphad said! Surely she would wait? But how coukd he give her an answer if he didn't see her? Should he prepare something back for her too? Something with his own care and heart in it?

Maybe that would help? Or could he write her a letter? What would he even write? Unlike with the builder he was feeling all these things he didn't think he could explain in mere words. He just wanted her to be there with him, to share a moment and to feel how much he shook, how his heart raced. Unsuur wanted to kiss her, desperately and with fierce passion he wanted to scoop her into his arms and just
How was he going to ever explain all of that? He didn't even know half of the emotions he was feeling, he was jittery and impatient, frustrated and utterly confounded by his own stupidity. Somehow he had to fix this problem, and he didn't know how. Well he did, it just took a lot of courage, a different kid of courage. Was he thinking himself in circles? He was wasn't he?

With a deep breath he stuffed his much loved deputy hat onto his head and strode forwards out of the door. To the dark with it! He was going to knock on that door! He was a Deputy in the Civil Corps for lights sake! If he couldn't do something simple like this, what kind of man did that make him?!

Justice watched Unsuur go with a firm stride a decision made, he shook his head and looked down at the paperwork in front of him. With a sigh he reached for a pen, only to discover a smug looking Captain staring at the floor, where his pen lay.

Chapter 9: Talk


Unsuur faces Sesha

Chapter Text

Sesha was still contemplating her chat with the ever so polite Director Qi, and scanning through the box of messy pieces of paper that may also contain spiders based on the cobwebs sticking to the papers, when she heard the door open again.
Normally she tended to follow a client out and lock up after them, she rarely held drop in appointments and currently arranged to have prebooked appointments only, at the moment.
In the future that may well change, with a morning given over to drop ins that would be publicised round town, and allow for new casual questioners to talk to her over financial worries. But for now she spent a large amount of her time, either off site rummaging in cobweb and dust covered rooms and boxes, or going through her collection of hard won scraps in order to parce a legible accounts book from the mess.

Looking up, startled she saw Unsuur removing his hat and hesitantly step forward. Gulping a suddenly dry throat she stood to meet him at the front where she kept a long sofa and soft chair for casual meetings.
"Umm.. hi..,Deputy?" She smoothed down the skirt she was wearing and orsyed she didn't look as half of a mess as she felt. Unsuur placed his hat down on the arm of the sofa and stood close to her, much closer than she expected him to.
"I, wanted to talk to you, Sesha, I'm here just as Unsuur, not Deputy."

That didn't sound good, when someone wanted to 'talk to you' it always set her anxiety to fluttering in her stomach. She had been expecting him to find her at some point, and deliberately half gave him space and half avoided him as much as possible.
"Okay." Sesha swallowed again looking up into his eyes, fidgeting with her hands qnd flicking the ring she had that spun around on itself. It helped her expend nervous energy without being destructive. Unsuur's eyes were drawn to the movement and he moved to hold her hand, stilling the flicking.
His long fingers examined the action of the ring and he smiled. "That's interesting!" He didn't let go of her hand, and was now very much in her comfort zone.
"It helps, with anxiety..." She trailed off as he flicked the ring to swirling around her finger again.

"I see," he looked fascinated, continuing to fiddle with the ring and the other fingers of her hand, caressing the palm. "I wanted to talk to you, you've not come out at night like you've been doing, and you're always rushing off and away."
Sesha blushed and looked to one side. "You said you wanted to think."
He nodded, staring off slightly into thin air as he stroked at her hand and thought to himself. "I don't think I really needed to think though, I just sort of, panicked when you held out the bracelet."
He smiled slightly and looked down at her again and she stealed herself for his next words, if he knew the answer straight off that didn't look good for her did it?
"Also I kind of need your help."

Sesha frowned and then her eyes widened in surprise as he held out his other hand the bracelet poorly secured around his wrist.
"I couldn't get it to tie right, I think I'm doing something wrong."
Sesha blinked, and then blinked again in shock,
" I, you, ah, you want to wear it? You realise that means?"
He was nodding and the hand with the heart knot touched her jaw. "I like you a lot Sesha, maybe I like you too much, I don't know. But I wanted to wear this the moment you handed it to me"
Sesha just stared at the man in front of her, awkwardly he fiddled with her ring flicking it himself and stared at her hopefully from his warm grey brown eyes, a peak of Amber showing through as he smiled tentatively at her.
"Really?" She asked in open wonder.
He nodded "Yeah, really, I really like you."
She smiled, utterly heart stoppingly beautiful in that moment, Usnuur's breath hitched at the look she gave him, of warmth and heat and delight as she hugged him to her.

"That's brilliant!" She exclaimed having reclaimed her hand in order to throw her arms around his neck. On tip toe she smiled up at him, his hands going round her to flatten her back and hold her steady, taking the moment in hand Unsuur blushed a bright red and gave her quick sweet peck on the lips. As he went to retreat though she followed his lips with her own and they ended up lip locked as he tugged her as close as he could get her. Her ri h curves under his hands as his heart felt like leaping from his body. He could feel her own heart beating along with his. His tongue flicked out to lick at her lip, tentatively. She was right there with him, tangling her tongue with his as he stroked her back with his hands, his body responding happily to her allure.
Sesha felt herself pliant in Unsuur's grasp, loving the feel of his long fingered hands sweeping up and down her back. She tangled her fingers in the slightly overlong locks of steel grey hair at the nape of his neck and moaned as he pressed forward slightly. They both broke off simultaneously, breathing heavily but realising this was no place to be fumbling about.

Capturing the hand with the badly tied bracelet, Sesha pulled the mess apart that Unsuur had made and with him peering down to watch her she showed him how to secure and pull the strings to secure it to his wrist, where he tucked it tight under his glove.
"Thank you Sesha." He stroked her cheek gently as she felt herself becoming red, his face as much on fire as hers. "I would like to take you out some time, would you mind a picnic maybe?"
"Anytime, anywhere, if its with you" She smiled happily and giddily up at him.
"I will find out when my next time off is ok?" Stroking her cheek once again her quickly claimed her lips and dashed away out the door with his hat in hand and his cheeks still glowing red.

Sesha let out a faint girly squeak of happiness. Oh wow! Did that just happen? Really really? Falling back into her chair she stared off into space, her fingers lightly touching her lips as she remembered the taste and touch of him.
"Oh wow." She said quietly into the silence.

That night Unsuur is smiling still, pleased and certain of his decision. The kiss a wonderful pleasure that confirmed his impact on Sesha'ssystem, that she desires him! Him and noone else, he swipes away the thought that the builder had acted like that too, but she hadn't kissed him back like this, it had been tentative and gentle, this was pure fire and comfort rolled into one.He wants to talk to Wilson about it, but isn't sure what to say, so he sits on his bed and relives the feel of her soft lips, how her warmth felt under his hands, the slight tremble and the gasp as he sucked on her lip, biting gently.He gets ready for bed and smiles as he falls asleep.

Chapter 10: Dating


Unsuur and Sesha do a bit of dating.

Chapter Text

For their first date they had a picnic by the drop off, Unsuur showed her how to stack stones, and her delight in the art of it had her sparkling to his eyes.
They talked about how they ended up in Sandrock. Sesha laughs at the idea of closing a home based on blowing in on a sandstorm. She tells him she was glad he had found his home there, else how woukd she of met him otherwise?
A picnic of nibbles from Owen's and some things Sesha has made herself from family recipes. She smiles when he takes her hand and they watch the sunset. He walks her home, lending her his jacket on the way back as the light and heat fades from the sky.

Sesha smiles at Unsuur as he enters the new library, except this time she sneaks a look around, and nips out from behind the desk she has been chained to with the new accounts, to approach him. She feels both privileged that she can take his hand, and utterly nervous that her own hand might be sweaty when she touchs him. Though still uncertain she blushes as she does so, her stomach feeling like it's roiling in excitement and other things she won't name.
She's planned to ask him to come to her place for dinner, but asking him is nerve wracking, what if he says no? He has every right to say no still, even though he's holding her hand happily. They talk about books and she suggests a few to him from the stacks of what have been ordered new in.
He leaves with a volume with adventure stories, and a promise for dinner. He will be bringing the lemon soup he mentioned to her and she will be making a spaghetti and tomato dish aspnd serve fruit atthe end. Keeping it simple and low pressure. Sesha knows if she plans something too complicated she will screw it up when the pressure is on. A date is not the best time to experiment, even if she wants to impress.

Inviting a man to have dinner at your home is supposed to be important? Does Unsuur know that? She didnt! Is it something she should of known? Sesha is panicking to herself as she fidgits, of course she thought maybe they some things, but no expectation was attached to it. Until Krystal made that comment at the library earlier about inviting a man intonher home for dinner and then commented on what they should be doing by the third date at the very leastl. Now she's flustered, and it shows as she invites Unsuur in, carrying his pot of soup.
Really she's learnt to tackle things head on while living in Sandrock and even in general in life, so she brings it up immediately. Unsuur and her are both bright red as she stutters and stumbles through her explanation, what she found in a dating book from the old world selection of the library before she left for the day to go tackle the accounts left to her by Qi.
It turned out Justice had mentioned it too. So they were both embarrassed, she was glad she had brought it up, it would of driven her nerves agitation is she hadnt done so. Talking about it, joking with Unsuur, and deciding they will keep their own schedule, that helped.

Except its been days since the dinner and he's shrugged off her question and been avoiding her. . She doesn't know what to do, is he busy? She doesn't want to harass him if he's busy, but she begins to feel anxiety and the trembles of uncertainty, this doesn't feel good, it feels like rejection. But maybe it isnt? She's jumped to conclusions before hasn't she? Maybe there was too much pressure on what the third date might hold? Despite talking about it amoung themselves.

Not one to chew her fingers Sesha flicks and spins her ring over and over with her nerves jumping and her stomach a roll of knots.

Chapter 11: Decisions and dating


Unsuur and Sesha spend time together.

Chapter Text

The frantic knocking at her door startles Sesha as she prepares for bed, pulling on a cover up she stumbles to the door, leaving the latch on, to find Unsuur on the other side.
"What? Unsuur?" She flicks the catch off, letting him in as he babbles at her. She's not sure what is going on as he grabs at her upper arms.
She doesn't know what to do, her eyes still red from crying earlier, about him avoiding her.
To the point that she's so wound up, she's yelling at him pushing him away to turn and race upstairs. He doesn't want you anyway! Noone does so what should she care! She feels so angry and confused as his arms latch around her form.
"No!" He's whispering into her hair as she breathes heavily, stiff in his embrace. "Don't say that Sesha, don't ever say that, you're more than enough for anyone!
"But not for you?" She sobs.
"I, I..." he pauses and takes a deep breath, "I guess I thought the same, that I wasn't worth it, that noone wanted me."
"But I want you Unsuur!"
She's turning round and their foreheads meet to lean into one another, "And I want you Sesha. Can I stay here with you tonight? Just holding you?"
She slowly nods. Then he's kissing Sesha, his hands on her waist under the tie that's fallen apart, his hands warm on her through the fabric of her nightwear, and her hands are around his neck pulling him into her. As she rubs up along the front of him.
The doors closed and they're panting into each others mouth as they stare golden amber alight in his eyes of grey staring into her own green. She's nodding to him and he's picking her up, taking her up the stairs. Of course Unsuur knows where her room is likely to be! As he sets her down he very deliberately closes the curtains properly tucking one end into the other so the end doesn't fall open. Then he's back and they're kissing and touching, his boots are on the floor and they're snuggled together, and just holding each other close.
"You'll be here in the morning?" She asks as he curls around her, wearing his shirt and underwear. His warm hands curve round her as he kisses her neck and across to her lips.
"Yeah." Unsuur utters roughly but gently.
Held close they fall asleep, comfort in each other.

It's their day off tomorrow, as well as his, so there's noone to please for getting up early. They leisurely, if embarassedly awaken, a bit unsure of themselves, but reassured as they stretch and prepare for a leisurely day together. The start of many.

Sesha had thought she wanted soft tenderness and warmth from a lover, but this fierce possessiveness, the need to monopolise her attention, were all surprising to her. She craved that look in his eyes, as he smiled at herand her alone, the way the warm amber hidden under his brown and grey eyes would flicker alight. A candle in the darkness.
Of course there were warm moments, when she was held in his arms as they sat to watch a sunset, smiles and laughter as she made her first rock stack under his attentive tutoring. Joy when he expressed interest in her paints, and utter delight at his ability to draw translating to oil and watercolour as well as high quality coloured pencils. The first time she had found one of his half finished sketches and realised he was drawing her, in a very seductive pose, had her blushing and succumbing over her words as he calmly took it back with a slight blush to his cheeks.

Kisses she expected to be gentle, would turn to fire and passion, something she had never expected to feel or have felt for her. His need to dominate in a kiss as equal as his submission. But oh, she delighted in that control over her he had, how we watched her reactions with careful attention to what she liked. Cataloguing it all in his rapacious mind. It turned her hot and needy, the way that look would settle on her, and his roamiìng hands, when they reached that point would clasp her to him, with a fierceness she had craved and shared. His hands would span either side of her waist, settling at the smallest point and she would feel petite and small against his strength. But when he would hitch his forearm under her buttocks and lift her against him, that had her moaning every time. She didn't know why, but it did something deep down that she trusted him enough to handle her like this. That he used such a casual display of strength, immobilising her against his body while his tongue plunged deeply into the soft sides of her mouth, exploring and tangling with her own tongue. She would give back to him that pleasure by suckling on his tongue or nibbling and suckling at this lower lip. She delighted in the way his eyes would dilate, dark pupils and a flash of honey intensity.

They explored each others proclivities and passions through kisses and touch, but as yet had not reached much beyond that. Except for casual fingers under the edge of clothing as a tease and nothing beyond.
She craved those long fingered hands, and would close her eyes at night, thinking of them against her skin, but the longer it went p, the more she worried.
Did he really feel like this about her? Was he humouring her? She didn't think so, he was genuinely turned on, she knew that at least from the hard length under his trousers that pressed against her belly. She would rub up against him in a subtle tease sometimes. But was it really for her? Just her and not a instinct towards any woman? She hated that she doubted herself and him, but the voices in her head would pick apart her relationship little by little the more time passed.

Even a hint hadn't helped, even a blatant invitation to come inside, or to continue, had just left him turning red and shaking his head. Even the next day being a non work one, so they were free to indulge, hadn't had him crossing that threshold and into her bedroomfor more than just sleep. Though he was comfortable in her home now, he could find the things he needed to make a drink or a meal. They frequently spent dinners together and even just relaxed together while reading or watching the world. Sometimes in each others' arms, sometimes not. Unsuur was happy to hold her as they slept, but to take it beyond that?
What was the matter? Was something wrong with her? Was she not enough? Was something putting him off? She hadn't the courage to ask. Not after the last 2 times she had jumped to conclusions. She didn't want to ask either. Scared of what he might say.

Chapter 12: Togetherness


You guessed it, more Unsuur and Sesha! Lol he's taking his anxiety and running with his feelings for Sesha.

Chapter Text

Unsuur was worried, he couldn't seem to jostle himself to take that next step in their relationship. He knew he was failing Sesha, he knew he saw hurt in her eyes, but he also hesitate every time.
He knew why, the relic of his tprelationship with the builder and her rejection of him. He had offered the woman the whole of himself and shared everything. And she had rejected him in the end, turning from him at the flash of a yakboy. He couldn't blame her, Logan was a handsome man, and vital and full of life in way he himself seemed to lack.

Unsuur stared at his hands as he sat on his bed in the dark. He hadn't gone over there today, it wasn't the first time he had stayed home. But he hadn't any reason not to go, beyond worrying about burdening her with his presence, he had thought he was getting over that, but here was the proof he wasn't.
He desperately wanted to take Sesha by the hand and explore under her clothes, to see her alight with fire and heat under him, or over him, or by his side. Any way he could get her. He knew he was accepted and needed and how she felt for him, how he felt for her, but he was holding back, and if he didn't do something soon he knew it would ruin what they had forever. And yet...

He sighed and pushed his hair back from his face, turning to see the accusatory stare of Wilson.
"I know ok?" He grumbled as he prepared for bed. If only life could just, have something happen that would throw them together and he could take that step, but life was rarely that convenient. No fire or flood or storm could be wished upon the town, not by him, not after seeing the destruction of the Sandstorm and the human storm of the Duvosians. The devastation and pain it all left behind, hidden by prosperity sure, but it lingered there still. He could see the scars under the repairs the builders had made, when walking his route daily. They were still there, the town and the people haunted by the nightmare of it. He still had nightmares himself sometimes, of the bodies and the blood, even more intense and visceral than the dreams of the monsters and the one confrontation he and Justice had had with a human gang in the desert.

He had talked some of it out with Burgess and even been surprised to find Sesha willing to listen and hold his hand through his worry about those nightmares still. That had been the day when they talked about her own nightmares, her fear if everyone keaving her behind, of her family wrapping her life so much intk them that she never got to live.. The thought of her family continuing to control her life, so she may never of come to Sandrock, had wrenched his soul, to not have her in his life...

He paused as his hand turned off the tap, staring in the mirror at his washed face. He didn't want to let her go. He wouldn't. He firmed his jaw and turned, feet striding in long paces across the room. Out the front door he ignored the late hour, and strode for her home and office, the lights on above the office's darkness proved his suspicion she was still awake true. Normally he would of turned back, unwilling to disturb her. But heart in his throat he marched to her door, and knocked. Waiting on the step felt like an eternity, till her face peeped at him through the gap of her doorway. The door being thrown open as he stumbled forward into her embrace. His head falling to her shoulder as he grabbed her close.
He wouldn't let her go. He had let the builder leave, he wouldn't let Sesha go. His arms tightened around her as he felt her hands settle on his back and her query as she said his name.

His impatience, the rough fumbling to remove their clothes, the intensity of this hands, calluses rubbing rough over her skin, the sheer need in him had her thrilling inside. Her own ignited need spiralling out of control as she responded to his kiss and tugged his shirt over his head. Sesha gasped as he freed her breast and his teeth met on her nipple, palming her smooth curves and rolling the other nipple, she whimpered, her knees feeling weak.

Her hands grasped at his shoulders, the strength of his musckes and heat of his body against hers like a bright flame.
"OH!" She exclaimed as he rubbed his erection into her core, pulling her up and grasping her knee balancing it on his fingers as the rest of his hand massaged at the skin of her thigh. His lips trailed down her neck, a bite leaving her gasping and arching into his body. Breasts rubbing against the sparse hair on his chest she mumbled and moaned his name as he watched her with amber lit eyes and dark pupils. The fingers of one hand clenched into the muscles of his shoulders as the other tousled the smooth waves of Unsuur's hair. She was gasping and breathing roughly as his hands pulled at her waist, one hand burrowing down in haste to cup her and test her readiness, she blushed a deep red, as his fingers came away wet and she felt them rub up against the nub of her cl*tor*s. She twitched against him with a jerk and he was pulling her legs around him,
"I can't wait, please Sesha?"
Sesha was nodding, her blue black hair tumbling in messy waves around her shoulders as she tugged him to her room.

A trail of stops and starts as they kissed and fumbled at each others clothes finally found her on the bed. Her back aginst cool sheets and her front aflame, her limbs tingled with that almost sick feeling of desire as it coiled and clenched at her insides. Liquid heat filled that wanting gap between her legs. His fingers traced it and slipped inside gentle but insistent. Though Unsuur was hurried with need, he was also carefully watching her reactions for feedback, and she too was helping herself to the sound of his sighs and moans as her fingers trailed to his own nipples, he startled at his own reaction and blinked at her bemused.
She paused a query in her eyes, but he shook his head at her "It's okay, I didn't expect..."
"Didn't expect what?" she asked breathily as he stilled, his fingers in her barely moving as they both breathed deeply and stared into each others eyes.
"Did you not do anything like that?"
"No, it was just..., I didn't have...,I don't want to bring her into this."
"Tell me later maybe." she kissed him softly and tweaked at his nipple again, swallowing that gasp and squeezing wickedly with her inner muscles around his slowly moving fingers.

She didn't want to speculate right now, or ever really, time enough for after, cause right now all thoughts were pushed away like a breeze, as his thumb found and rubbed at that sensitive bundle of nerves. She whined at the feeling, pushing up into his hand arching her back and grasping at him.
"I want to taste you." he asked his eyes serious and she was struggling to remove his trousers as he pulled hers down. Swiping them away with a hurried stumble as her fingers clasped around his thickness. She mumbled at him an affirmative noise, focused on wanting to touch him and watch his face, experience his own pleasure in any way she could get it.
Her hand was stilled and long fingers covered in her own fluids tangled with hers as he kissed his way down her skin, lingering at places he found her gasping, or playing with how ticklish she was. Soon enough he found exactly what he sought, unfettered or distracted by the reactions he found from her skin and the trails of marks he left behind.
The first swoop of his tongue along her, had her whining deep and panting, as he pushed into her with that flexible muscle she squirmed, held down by one powerful forearm he pinned her to the bed. Her hand gripped with his as her other clasped at the fabric of the coverlet underneath. Sesha watched him watched her, as he found the cl*tor*s again and alternated his attentions. Her desire spiralled as she squirmed and throbbed, her reactions pouring from her as she called his name, barely able to speak she clenched around him as her org*sm poured through her body, leaving her dazed and muscles relaxed in his grasp.

"Oh light Unsuur!" She sighed on an outward breath as he climbed up to kiss her, tasting herself on him was strange to her but she accepted the taste to seek out his tongue with hers, suckling on it deeply. His eyes rolling back in his head he was grasping at her limbs, rushed and hurried to feel Sesha around him, to plunge inside the soft liquid warmth with the strength of those muscles deep inside to grasp and pull at his co*ck. Bowing his head into her neck her hands helped to steady his shaking.
"Please? Please?"
Sesha frowned, why was he asking? "Now," she demanded, "Please." back at him.
His smile lit up the room and he plunged inside of her with a swift liquid motion that left her breathless. She felt herself under pressure as she stretched around him, the liquid warmth between her legs assisting him to slide further in, bit by bit, until he paused seated fully inside of her. Stroking his cheeks and the clenched jaw she kissed him gently and asked of him
"Please, Unsuur move, please." She was coiling into another org*sm as her legs trembled and her knees clasped at his waist. He gave her a quick look from fascinated eyes as she bit at her lip,
"Look Sesha... look."
He groaned and watched himself pull out from her, before pounding back in deep,
Sesha felt the strokes of his hard length and exclaimed tightening around him, he was moaning against her as they kissed, the tenderness of before receded back, setting alight to demanding passion,
Unsuur held her leg up, folding her knee over his shoulder as he found the angle that had her best reaction, noting the feeling of that spot at the roof over her channel as he thrust along it, plunging onwards with frenzied movement. She was climaxing around him and he felt the fluttering grasping pull of her muscles as he sped up. His org*sm wrenched from him, to join her own. His hand at the small of her back as her body bowed, to support the angle he needed and they both fell over the edge, exploding like stars behind his eyes as he emptied inside her.

The feeling of knowing his seed was inside her left a thrill of satisfaction, and also worry behind it. But for now he revelled in the pulse of his org*sm and watched Sesha as she recovered from her own.
"Light Unsuur," she told him through gasps, as her chest rose and fell rapidly, "That was..." she grasped at finding the words... "Good isn't enough, oh it felt so wonderful." She sighed and reached to cup his cheek and kiss him gently. He smiled as her forehead clunking against his own.
"Yeah." he replied, unable to express all he wanted to say. "Thank you."
She snorted and smiled, "Thank you too, oh very thank you!" She attempted to tidy his hair and sighed giving up at the mess she had made of it. Unsuur grinned, feeling himself slip from her and holding her to him he rolled onto his side pulling her close.
He didn't know how to express how he felt, how sharing his body and hers felt like to him. Like a key in a lock he was pouring himself into her, determined that this time he was going to not let anyone go. Especially not Sesha, a sweet, uncertain, shy, but wonderful woman. He wanted to wake up next to her every day of his life, explore all her sides and lose himself in her time after time.
Unsuur felt himself slip into sleep, as a blanket tugged up over them both, hearing her yawn and snuggle against him. She hadn't asked him to leave, and that made him smile. No shame, never any at all when it came to hjm and the comments of the rest of the people in Sandrock, she was definitely the right fit.

Sesha woke with a lurch blinking at the early sunlight and the sensation of warmth enveloping her. Oh wow, she stared at Unsuur's sleeping face, no frowns or smiles, soft in his sleep, she kissed him softly on the cheek and watched him mumble in reaction.
It had her giggling, a warm tumbling feeling of happiness held tight inside her. Okay they needed to talk a few things out, but whatever had been bothering her man, had been pushed aside and culminated in last night's....passion, oh wow was there passion, and demand, and just ever so much wonderfulness.
She couldn't contain how she felt and wriggled, sliding from the bed to find her robe and head to make coffee. She wanted to wake him with coffee she decided, and snuggle against him under the covers and just... be with him. Really she just wanted to keep touching him more than anything.

Before she could finish pouring the cups she felt his arms round her waist as he embraced her from behind, warm and sleepy he tucked into her neck with a kiss and a yawn.
"Hmm smells good." He told her.
"I think that's the coffee." Sesha held it up for him to see,
"No its you." he told her nudging at her with his nose and a sigh.
Giggling she turned in his arms and he tightened them around her pulling her close as her own arms circled his bare back. She was happy to see he had at least put on his boxers, oh and done that thing where his trousers were on but not done up. oh wow that really got to her, the way he looked, sleepy and dazed, the marks from her on his skin, she grumbled in her throat and slid her hands to clench at his ass cheeks, a pinch to one had him leaping slightly but waking up enough that he noticed her grin.
"What?" He murmered as she went on tiptoes to press a kiss against the softness of his lips. His hands moved to cup her own cheeks and lift her against the rapidly expanding hardness below. But a knock at the door had her grumbling and sighing.
As she lurched to open it, tugging her robe straight, he started to pour out the coffee and make sure hers was fed enough milk for her. She liked a milky warm brew he had learned over time. Strange, she didn't enjoy the bitter oily taste of coffee but didn't mind the bitterness of other flavours. He turned at his name from the door to find a worried Justice on the step. Sesha was hiding, mostly behind the door, he noticed, good! It might be a robe but it was thin enough that he didn't want even his boss seeing her in it. He quirked an eyebrow and walked to the door to hand Sesha her coffee.
"There you are man! You left your damned door open!"
"Oh sorry Sheriff, I'm fine though."
Justice grumbled and sighed at him eyes flitting between the two, he grinned and clapped Unsuur on the shoulder. "Well good for you man, huh?"
And he was off, a puzzled Unsuur behind him and Sesha sipping at her cup with a bemused expression. She stopped for long enough to to raise her brows at him and ask about him leaving his door open.
Unsuur grabbed his own cup of coffee and settled into the soft sofa of the lounge section, she curled up against him and he explained about the feeli nghe had had last night, his fear and worry over his reticence and avoidance of taking their relationship further.
She stopped sipping her coffee, leaving it on a table to focus her all on him as he told her how he felt. How he had been rejected by the builder. She frowned at how he felt about it, okay that left him single for her, but she disliked how he mentioned the woman. She hadn't really met Lucy in the time she had been here, beyond in passing, okay she was only getting one side of her personality, but how she had treated Unsuur had her frowning.
Like he was a toy more than a person, something to keep her entertained, occasionally showering him with affection but otherwise leaving it for him to beg at her with a 'please' when he wanted affection to be more than holding hands.
She shrugged off her concerns, the relationship was over, beyond how it felt now for Hnsuur she didn't want to tackle it unless it bothered him. She curled up into his embrace and they sipped wt their coffees planning the day. Really they were very fortunate he had some time off else he would of been late for work by now.
Sesha smiled at the relaxed expression on her lovers' face and kissed him softly.

Chapter 13: Passing time


Slices of their life dating

Chapter Text

Sesha had a discussion with a panicked Unsuur, who finally remembered his worry from the previous evening, she explained to him how her contraception worked, ordered from her doctor, and how she swap to one she could get from Fang.
Sourcing locally was always easier, and the local Doctor was highly thought of in most circles. She had done her research before moving to the place, as a doctor was something essential as far as she was concerned.

Unsuur had breathed easily after that chat, then fumbled his way through another one where they talked about children, both red in the face they concluded thst yes in the future kids might be nice. It had made her heart leap the thought if a permanent relationship with Unsuur, of a future together where they had children. He was thinking about permanent at least, and she was so happy her face shone with the grin of it. Which pulled Unsuur's attention and he started kissing her gently, and then with an increasing passion.

Needless to say they had stayed in that evening, and Sesha was delighted with the way her days were going. She visited the new library and organised a book for the new librarian to fill in. the Civil Corps Accounts for the current and past few years were up to date and now neatly organised for Justice. Who had sighed and smiled his own happiness at her on seeing the sample system she had placed before him.
However there were the relics of at least a decade to tackle soon, once her few other dpaccountjng jobs and details were up to date. Luckily no spiders were found amoung the Directors mess, and though she had had to harass him a few times for further paperwork to fill in the blank, things looked to be up to date based in what was requested of her.
Her account balance was nice and tidy with the fees she was earning, and she began to think about the things she needed for her own office, things to brighten the place, even a coffee and tea urn maybe for anyone staying to talk over accounts. A libation loosened and relaxed people, which was needing when dealing with the delicacy of funds.

So it was several weeks later she found herself once again dodging Captain's attempts to play chase with the found scraps, or pulling him off of papers she needed, as she turfed out the paperwork from several filing cabinets. Her rock collection and several glass paperweights were in use pinning things down by the year rather than the month. Trudy had decided that just getting things in a rough order beyond 5 years ago was probably the best idea. Anything before that was not worth bothering with.
Justice had struck up a conversation with her while she took a break with a cup of coffee from the new machine he was proud of. It did indeed make a nice coffee, and she sipped at it happily as he expounded upon a tale of his youth and the part time work he had taken up all round the town after school before he had signed up for the Civil corps.

Some of his tales seemed a bit taller than others, but they were a delight to listen to. She smiled happily at Unsuur, as he walked in to the building to find his boss declaiming about a fish the size of a dog like Nemo. The hound wasn't exactly large, but a fish in those tiny sand ponds becoming that large was certainly a feat!
She watched Unsuur pour himself a drink of his own and walk up the stairs to his own desk. Her eyes glued to his rear as s0he walked up the stairs. Justice had cleared his throat and she had blushingly apologised to the man for her inattention. The Sheriff just laughed at her happily, confessing he was glad to see his coworker so happy after all the moping he had done.
"I can hear you Sheriff!" Unsuur called out in his usual deadpan tone, causing the Sheriff to laugh and scarper out the door on his own round.

Whereupon Unsuur popped down the stairs and swept Sesha up in a hot tongue licking kiss, that had her fanning her cheeks when he set her down.
He retreated back up the stairs with a satisfied smile upon his handsome face and Sesha sighed at the paperwork in a different kind of frustration. Later when she left she told him "Dinner at mine tonight? Clothes are informal and on the floor all the way!" Laughing at his expression she had darted away with a happy smile for his startled red face.
Sesha paid for it later, quite happily, as he lathed his attention on her, until she was gasping his name before he would even consider taking off his own clothes.

Chapter 14: Sesha art


Just an Art of our lady accountant using the sandrock style

Chapter Text

Accountant of Sandrock - MeowsHouse (1)sesha

Chapter 15: Unsuur on Patrol


Just Unsuur doing his job and thinking thoughts.

Chapter Text

Unsuur had felt lonely for such a long time, sometimes he thought maybe his whole life.
Except he hadn't really noticed he was lonely until he had a taste of a different kind of life. He thought he had found love, companionship and light, to have her turn from him and rip it cruel away. Except he knew that what he had had with the Builder, Lucy, was anything but what he thought it was.
Wilson had talked ro him about it several times, one of his few friends, but that did little to sweep away the loneliness he felt still. Having Sesha in his life now, he realised he had never been enough for Lucy, she was looking for something that hadn't been him. Perhaps he was just a distraction on her journey? Unsuur never really knew what their relationship had really been about. It wasn't likely he ever would. Sesha made him feel so much more than he had for Lucy. Maybe it was because he had experienced something that was wrong for him that he realised what was right?

Wilson hadn't held any answers there. Sesha made him smile everytime he thought of her, she eased the loneliness. He still felt anxious, as did she, but they were doing their best to communicate about how they felt. That helped. But still the wonder that Sesha wanted him, confused him he didn't really understand why she would want a man like him, not when there were others around she could have picked. She chose him.
He would sometimes gaze at the heart knot on his wrist in bemusem*nt, a happy thrill running through his nerves, sometimes he felt so happy he wondered why he hadn't burst. Burying himself in her smell, her arms and her heat, their passion and their love. He wanted to be with her for every minute he could manage.

She told him she felt the same, that just seeing him made her grin quietly and happily to herself, such a wonderful thing. Unsuur stared at the cloudless sky, it was cooler now, the heat of autumn was fading into winter. His first Winter with Sesha, what would it be like? Patrolling the town, he stopped to check on Vivi, who's back had been bothering her recently, he touched base with Captain, who was doing his own rounds, nodded at Owen talking to Cooper outside of the Blue Moon and stood to assess the area and the many tourists.
More tourists meant more prosperity, but it also brought a higher chance for trouble. They'd had two drunks in jail to cool off only a few days ago. Both had been harassing women at the bar. Unsuur frowned, he didn't like that that kind of person was coming to his town, he hoped none would bother Sesha. Even as a man of the law he didn't know if he could stop himself from punching any that might threaten Sesha.

Unsuur turned his head as he heard her laugh echoing through the tunnel that led to her office and home, and there she was blue black hair shining in the light of the sun. She saw him and smiled a happy calm and loving expression, approaching him after asking Mi-an to wait she came up to him and tugged his hand into her clasp. He had been cradling his wrist again. He tended to do that without even thinking about it sometimes.
"Hi." She told him softly, red blush spreading over the rich gold of her skin. A thrill tickled over his spine as she gave him a lingering kiss.
"Hi." He cleared his throat and smiled infinitesimal at her. She always saw those small movements from him. With a happy whirl and a kiss to his cheek she checked with him "See you for dinner?"
At his nod she was off dragging Mi-an along behind her. He wondered what that was about, it seemed like they were having lunch at the Blue Moon. Unsuur turned on his way and followed his usual route through town, nodding as he crossed paths with the new Civil acorps members and the people of Sandrock he was most familiar with.

More and more he began to think each day was beautiful. Though Sesha had herself discussed her worries over 'the other shoe dropping', he had told her that if it dropped it dropped and they would deal with it together. Though he wondered when the first shoe had fallen.

Chapter 16: The builder


Lucy just has to stick her oar in their relationship.
Winding down this story ...for now.

Chapter Text

Unsuur was taking her out for a meal at the Blue Moon when Sesha finally met Lucy in the most bizarre confrontation she had probably ever had.
Lucy, this was the builder then? Sesha stared at the brunette and raised her eyebrows in enquiry. The woman was obviously drunk from the stumble she had pushing into her, but what she said next had Sesha raising her hackles
"Hear you're with rock boy now, o guess you like them tame." The Builders lipcurled at her and for the first time in her life Sesha felt like snarling.
With a deep breath she inhaked slowly and grit her teeth, determined to ignore the words. Except then Lucy called him a useless waste and lacking passion. At that point she was so surprised she stuttered into laughter at the sheer absurdity of the woman's statement.

Lucy was outraged and reared back from Sesha's hysteria. Sesha flashed her collar and the neck of her outfit open, showing off the multiple red marks Unsuur had left behind over the course of several days.
"I have no idea who you are talking about, but sure ain't Unsuur." She snorted and turned to the bar. Grabbing the drinks and ready to head back to the table. She could see Unsuur looking for her in the crowd. Lucy was reaching out to grab her shoulder when Grace intervened,
"Now now Lucy you've had enough." The builder was dragged away into the kitchen.

She was sure several curious eyes and twitching ears had taken in the confrontation, having her snort at small towns and make her way to sit with a worried looking Unsuur.
He looked conflicted, but she tapped his hand and drew his attention. "Its okay, nothing happened alright?"
He nodded and smiled at her, happy now she had returned, and she curled her foot around his as they played footsie under the table and waited for their meal.
When they got home that evening, Sesha pulled him to her kissing and licking her way to the hot hard bulge in his trousers. She gave it her all to show him just how much he was loved and wanted, by her.
Unsuur, happy, but confused by the sudden attention felt overwhelmed by her passion, but revelled in it too. Utterly delighted and sated they finally fell asleep together and Unsuur was almost late to work after further attention in the morning. He spent the day with a grin in his face, obvious to all, Justice just shook his head in disgust.
"Get a room Deputy."
"We have several rooms Sheriff, did you mean one specific one?"
The confrontations with the Builder were far from over.

It was broad daylight and Sesha had left to head for the library to check the accounts were being used correctly by the new librarian when she heard the Builder on the stairs down to the Square.
"Hey maybe we could revisit old times eh?"
Sesha felt her eyebrows shoot up into her hairline, okay. She caught a glimpse of dark steel grey hair. That was Unsuur with her, Lucy was grasping his arm and clearly propositioning HER partner.

"I wanna see this passion you have. How about it, I know you're still hung up on me."
She was advancing as Unsuur backed away from her, hands up and away from her grasping ones. Sesha wanted to intervene, but was also curious, how would he respond, she knew how he had felt about the woman, but surely she shouldn't doubt him?
It was wrong of her to not help him, so she pushed past her fears. Crashing down the first few steps she grabbed Unsuur's hand, pulling him away from the woman, as she tugged him to race away back towards her own home, through the old archway and round the corner. She laughed as she stumbled to a stop, and fell into his arms as he apologised.

"It's nothing you need to apologise for Unsuur, unless you had planned to .. well I don't think you would, but I do worry. I couldn't just leave you like that though." He smiled down at her and tidied her hair.
"No, not anytime ever, even after it was over, I think I knew I would of said no even though I hurt and wanted her back. I knew the relationship wasnt right. I just didn't want to face that. I know she's acting out right now... I'm really not sure what is going on"
He kissed her on the forehead and walked her to the library by the long route so as to avoid any further encounters from the woman.

Lucy was there at Sesha's door the next day, apologising and trying to explain away her bad behaviour. She sighed and rubbed at the bridge of her nose.
"Yes we all make mistakes but what was she thinking? What would you of done had he said yes? Were you that bent on ruining what you have now?"
The woman blanched to a sickly looking pale, looking scared and confused. Aesha let her in in order to find her a seat so she didn't fall over.

"I'm pregnant." she exclaimed suddenly
Sesha closed her eyes with a hard scrunch and squeezed the ridge of her nose again. But hadn't she been drinking the other week? What was that about? She asked the woman quite bluntly about that.
"I didn't know then! I do now! And he's not here!"
How had she gotten to the point where the monster hunters lover was crying in her arms, her partners ex and becoming her councilor? Sesha sighed and patted the woman's back.

Lucy kept returning to Sesha's home over and over the next few days. A crying mess. Unsuur walked in on the mess and blanched himself. After several days he appeared ro be utterly fed up of her disturbing the peace and quiet at either home. If she didn't find them in one she went to the other.
Her explanation, that she had only told Sesha about the pregnancy was flimsy at best. She was obviously looking for reassurance but what she needed most was her partner, Logan. Who had been away on a hunt for some weeks now, it turned out, from a long weepy conversation, that they had argued before he left, and Lucy was feeling upset from that and whatever baby hormones were doing to her. He had been away so often, and Lucy in such a turmoil, that she hadn't even noticed she was missing periods until her 4th didn't happen and she panicked her way to Fang's.

Utterly fed up and wanting his peace back with Sesha, Unsuur, kept a eye out for the returning yakboy, and accosted him at his home before he could even get himself off Rambo. It was a trek to drag the complaining gruff man to pick up his lover at where Sesha was from his shared home with the builder.
Neither Sesha or Unsuur had any sympathy for the two, or even much happiness, so thoroughly fed up of their peace being disturbed. Unsuur had told the yakboy to take his problems home with him, indicating the brunette crying a river on the sofa at Sesha's home.
"Darlin'?" Logan cried out setting his eyes on Lucy, and the whole tumbled out right there in the room with Sesha and Unsuur looking on. They took some considerable time crying at each other, arguing, with revelations and other asides that Sesha had contemplated several times throwing them out the door. Instead she retreated to sit in her kitchen area, holding Unsuur's hand.
Finally all was laughter and smiles and Logan was carrying away Lucy, worrying about her delicate health or some such fool matter.

"I hope you dint get so weird when you're pregnant." Unsuur told her.
"What??" Steam practically poured off her ears she blushed so hard, and suddenly Unsuur was apologising and telling her, not now I mean in the future,.
"You want to be together, with me, in the future, and have babies?" Sesha was stunned. Okay they'd sort of mentioned something before, but it hadn't been as immediate as this. She double checked he really was saying what she thought he was saying.
Unsuur had been beet red and scratching the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to just, tell you, ah...I don't even have a ring ready..."
Unsuur shut up as Sesha tackled him to the ground with kisses and happy laughter bubbled up between the two of them.

Unsuur was moving his things into her home within the week. They decided to try their hand at living together and to take his words as a kind of preproposal. 'A down payment in a future proposal."
Either way when her family heard she was serious enough about a man to move in with him, they sent her the traditional fertility and home gift of her family. Escorted all the way to Sandrock by an attentive cousin, who took great care with the young one, that was only just old enough to be away from its mother. 3 months old and full of shots and clean of health the little girl cat was delivered. One of the precious litter of kittens her families cat was rarely allowed to have. The cat meant a lot of things to her family. But fertility was a huge one. Sesha had strongly blushed and talked to Unsuur about what the kitten meant.

Unsuur had been delighted by the addition to their family. The small puffball a welcome companion in their home. Captain had to come over and inspect the new feline resident, finding that upon entry into her home that he was soundly bapped and gnawed by delicate little teeth, for having the temerity to enter the kittens territory.
The two humans bent their heads together to think of a name for the little girl. Finally settling upon Amber for the rich yellow gold of her fur spotted with darker browns. Sesha told him the colour reminded her of his eyes.

With a smile he leaned forward to steal a kiss, having long since given her his heart. He had happily received hers back in exchange. She kissed him back with equal passion until a small bundle of fur insistently meeped at them from the kitchen floor. Apparently it was time for some dinner.
And end for us readers but not for them. We may return in the future. We may not.

Accountant of Sandrock - MeowsHouse (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.