How To Cancel Car Insurance (2024)

Depending on your insurance company, you may be able to cancel your policy by calling your insurer or agent. Some insurers may require you to sign a cancellation form. Because drivers must carry a minimum amount of auto liability coverage in nearly every state, ensure you’re covered with another company before you cancel your existing policy.

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Can you cancel car insurance at any time?

Policyholders can cancel their auto insurance policy at any time, for any reason. And you never have to wait until the end of your policy period to cancel your policy. Even if your policy only started a few days ago, you may cancel it. Contact your insurer or agent to find the best way to cancel your policy. Some insurance companies permit you to cancel right over the phone or online. Other insurers may require written notification or a signed document.

Generally, insurers will refund you the money for the unused portion of your policy, assuming you paid in advance. However, depending on your state, and when you cancel, your insurer may charge a cancellation fee. Learn about how to get a refund on car insurance.

Since nearly all states require drivers to have liability coverage, you must have an auto policy in effect with another insurer when canceling with your current insurer. Additionally, if you finance or lease your vehicle, your lender or lease company will typically require comprehensive coverage and collision coverage. Make sure your new policy covers your vehicle for physical damage. You can avoid a lapse in coverage by making sure your cancellation date aligns with the start date for your new policy.

Reasons to cancel your auto insurance

Here are a few valid reasons for cancelling your auto insurance policy:

Keep in mind, if you’re moving to another state, you won’t have to change insurers unless your insurance company doesn’t offer coverage in that state. There’s no need to cancel your car insurance after selling a car if you’re driving a different vehicle. Just let your insurer know about the change in vehicles so they can update your policy.

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How To Cancel Car Insurance (2024)


How To Cancel Car Insurance? ›

Contact your insurance provider: To cancel your existing insurance policy, you may call your insurer, contact an agent through the company's mobile app or website, mail in a cancellation request or speak to an agent in person, depending on your carrier's options.

Can I cancel my insurance policy at any time? ›

Key Takeaways:

Drivers can cancel their insurance policies at any time but should plan for potential penalties or insurance gaps.

Is it hard to cancel car insurance? ›

The easiest way to cancel your car insurance is to call your insurance company or agent. In many cases, a phone call is enough to cancel your policy or stop insurance renewal. However, some insurance companies may require you to pay a cancellation fee and sign an insurance cancellation form or letter.

Is there a penalty for canceling car insurance? ›

At the same time, you might also be subject to a cancellation fee. Many companies don't charge such penalties, but with those that do, you can expect to pay a flat fee of under $100 or around 10% to 15% of the remaining policy premium.

Can you cancel car insurance online? ›

How do I cancel my car insurance policy? It's usually quick and easy to cancel your car insurance. Most insurers will let you cancel your policy online, but some still require you to speak to them on the phone. Check your policy terms and conditions to confirm how you need to cancel yours.

How much does it cost to cancel insurance policy? ›

You should get a refund of any premiums you have already paid. However, your insurer may take off a small amount to cover days when the policy was in force. They may also charge you a small administration fee. Some insurers may give you a longer cooling-off period.

Do I need to cancel insurance before switching? ›

When switching insurers, one of the most important things to remember is to have your new car insurance in place before canceling your current one. You don't want to risk a gap in coverage.

Can I cancel my insurance policy without penalty? ›

Generally speaking, the farther off your policy end date, the higher the penalty will be. Keep in mind that you can avoid the penalty by notifying your insurance representative in advance that you'd like to cancel your insurance on your policy renewal date or if you notify them before your policy comes into effect.

What happens if I cancel my insurance policy early? ›

Generally, insurers will refund you the money for the unused portion of your policy, assuming you paid in advance. However, depending on your state, and when you cancel, your insurer may charge a cancellation fee.

How many days can I cancel my insurance policy? ›

As a financial product, car insurance policies are legally required to come with a 'cooling-off period', which gives you the right to cancel no-questions-asked during the first 14 days. This begins when you receive your paperwork or when the cover starts (whichever is later).

Who has the right to cancel an insurance policy? ›

The Bottom Line

An insurance company has the right to cancel your policy if you do not fulfill your obligations under the policy agreement.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.