Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (2024)

Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (1)

What is Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)?

What is Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) used for?

  • Pain that isn't relieved by non-opioid pain medications alone

How Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) works

Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is a combination of two medications that work together to treat pain.

  • Hydrocodone is an opioid. It attaches to certain mu-opioid receptors in your brain to lower how much pain you feel.

  • Acetaminophen is an analgesic. It blocks the production of certain chemicals in your brain that play a role in pain. As a result, acetaminophen helps relieve pain.


Are you looking for information on Hycet (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) oral liquid or Percocet (oxycodone / acetaminophen) instead?

When does Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) start working?

Time passed since treatment started:






Initial effect

Full effect

Drug Facts

Common BrandsNorco (brand name no longer available)

Drug ClassOpioid / Analgesic

Controlled Substance ClassificationSchedule II

Generic StatusLower-cost generic available

AvailabilityPrescription only

More on Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) essentials

What Hydrocodone’s Schedule 2 Status Means (Plus, 5 Ways to Protect Yourself While Taking It)Written by Amy B. Gragnolati, PharmD, BCPS
Norco vs. Percocet: 3 Differences You Should Know AboutWritten by Austin Ulrich, PharmD, BCACP

Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (4)

What are the risks and warnings for Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)?

Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can cause some serious health issues. This risk may be even higher for certain groups. If this worries you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about other options.

Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (5)

Potential for misuse and addiction

  • Risk factors: Personal or family history of alcohol or substance use disorder | Personal or family history of mental health conditions

    Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is a controlled substance that has a risk for misuse and addiction. Take the medication exactly as prescribed. Don't change the dose or how often you take it without talking to your prescriber first.

    Misusing Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) might cause the medication to work less well. It can also raise the risk for serious and possibly life-threatening side effects, such as dangerously slow breathing, not able to stay awake, addiction, and opioid overdose. You'll be prescribed the lowest amount of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) that's necessary to manage your pain for the shortest period of time possible.

    Because of the risk for misuse, addiction, and overdose, Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is only available through a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program called the Opioid Analgesic REMS program. Your prescriber and pharmacy must register with the program, receive training on proper medication use, and discuss with you about how to safely use Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen).

    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (6)

    Dangerously slow breathing (respiratory depression)

    • Risk factors: Taking medications that can cause slow breathing | Drinking alcohol | Older age | Being frail | Medical conditions that cause breathing problems (e.g., COPD, asthma, head injury) | Taking too much Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

      Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can cause dangerously slow breathing, which can be life-threatening. This can happen to anyone and at recommended doses. But the risk is greatest when you first start treatment or when your dose goes up.

      Don't drink alcohol while you're taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). And don't take the opioid medication with other medications that slow your body down (e.g., benzodiazepines, other opioids, muscle relaxants). Doing so raises your risk of extremely slowed breathing.

      Your prescriber might write a prescription for naloxone (Narcan), a medication that can reverse slowed breathing from opioids. Your prescriber will instruct you to carry it with you at all times. Use naloxone, call 911, and get medical help right away if you or your loved one notices that you have trouble breathing or have bluish-colored lips, fingers, or toes.

      Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (7)

      Risk for opioid overdose

      • Risk factors: History of opioid use disorder | Previous opioid overdose | Taking high doses of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) | Taking more opioids than prescribed | Alcohol use

        Take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) exactly as prescribed. Taking too much medication or taking it more often than prescribed can lead to an overdose. It can be very dangerous if someone accidentally swallows the medication. Be sure to keep the opioid medication out of reach from children, pets, or visitors to prevent accidental exposure or overdose.

        Symptoms of an opioid overdose include not responding to sound or touch, extremely slowed breathing, extreme sleepiness, slow heartbeat, and cold or clammy skin. Be sure you and your loved ones know how to recognize an overdose. Your prescriber will probably write a prescription for naloxone (Narcan), a medication that can treat an opioid overdose. Carry naloxone with you at all times; use it and call 911 right away if an overdose happens.

        • Risk factors: Taking high doses of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) | Age 65 years or older | Drinking alcohol | Taking other medications that can cause sleepiness

          Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can cause extreme sleepiness and lower your ability to think, react, and focus. Don't drink alcohol or take other medications that can cause sleepiness or "brain fog" (e.g., benzodiazepines, muscle relaxants, sleep medications) with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Doing so can worsen these side effects.

          Make sure you know how Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) affects you before driving a car or doing activities that require your concentration. Talk to a healthcare professional (HCP) if you feel too sleepy from the medication.

          Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (9)

          Liver damage

          • Risk factors: Drinking alcohol | Taking other medications containing acetaminophen | Taking too much Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) | History of liver problems

            Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) contains acetaminophen. Taking too much acetaminophen can cause liver damage that can be life-threatening. The risk for liver damage is higher if you're taking more than one medication that contains acetaminophen, if you already have liver problems, or if you regularly drink alcohol.

            Let your prescriber know about your medical history, especially if you have liver problems, before you take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Also avoid drinking alcohol while you're taking this medication. Your prescriber can discuss how much acetaminophen you can take per day depending on your age and your risk for liver damage.

            Call an HCP right away if you notice any symptoms of liver damage. These symptoms can include tiredness, dark urine, upset stomach, stomach pain, or yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes.

            Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (10)

            Drug interactions

            Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) interacts with a lot of common medications. So it's important to tell your prescriber and pharmacist about the medications you're taking and planning to take with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Your care team can check that your medications are safe to take together. Also talk to your care team first before making any changes to your medications because sudden dose adjustments can also lead to harm.

            Some interactions can raise the level of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) in your body. This can raise your risk for serious side effects, including potentially life-threatening slowed breathing. Examples of medications that can lead to this type of interaction with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) include erythromycin, ketoconazole, and ritonavir (Norvir).

            Other drug interactions can lower the levels of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) in your body. This can cause the opioid medication to work less well for pain and possibly lead to withdrawal symptoms. These interactions include taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) with rifampin (Rifadin) or carbamazepine (Tegretol).

            Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (11)

            Harm to newborn babies

            Long-term use of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) during pregnancy can cause your unborn baby to become dependent on the medication. This is because the opioid in the medication (hydrocodone) can pass through the placenta to your unborn baby.

            Once your baby is born, they can experience withdrawal symptoms, such as high-pitched crying, poor feeding behavior, trembling, abnormal sleep patterns, and seizures. This condition is called neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and can be life-threatening if not recognized and treated in time. Let your HCP know if you've used Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) during pregnancy or if you notice these symptoms in your baby.

            Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (12)

            Severe allergic reactions and skin reactions

            • Risk factors: Allergy to other opioids

              Severe allergic reactions to Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) are possible, including life-threatening reactions like facial swelling, shock, and anaphylaxis (e.g., closing of the throat). Additionally, acetaminophen can rarely cause serious skin reactions, such as rash, blisters, skin reddening, or skin peeling. Get medical attention right away if you notice these types of changes in your skin, swelling of the lips or tongue, or difficulty breathing after you take this medication.

              Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (13)

              Physical dependence and withdrawal

              • Risk factors: Long-term use of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can cause physical dependence when it's taken for a long period of time. This means that your body starts to rely on the medication to function. You might experience withdrawal if you suddenly stop taking the medication or lower your dose too fast. Withdrawal symptoms can be bothersome and include anxiety, restlessness, irritability, runny nose, sweating, and chills.

                Don't lower your dose or stop taking the medication suddenly without talking to your prescriber first. Your prescriber will slowly lower your dose to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your prescriber about alternative pain medications if you have concerns about the risk for dependence and withdrawal with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen).

                Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (14)

                Low blood pressure

                Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can cause extremely low blood pressure. Your blood pressure might drop when you stand from a sitting or lying down position. This can lead to dizziness and fainting. To avoid falling, get up slowly if you've been sitting or lying down. Talk to your HCP if any dizziness or lightheadedness doesn't go away.

                Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (15)

                Low adrenal hormone levels

                • Risk factors: Taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) for longer than 1 month

                  Some people taking opioid medications like Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) have had low adrenal hormone levels. This might be more likely to happen after taking opioids for longer than 1 month. Symptoms include tiredness, dizziness, weakness, not feeling hungry, nausea, and vomiting. Tell your HCP if you have these symptoms. If your adrenal hormone levels are too low, you might need to stop Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) and be treated with corticosteroids.

                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (16)


                  • Risk factors: History of seizure conditions

                    Opioids such as hydrocodone can raise the risk of having seizures more often in people who've had one before. Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can also raise your risk of seizures in certain situations. Get medical help right away if you have a seizure while you're taking this medication.

                    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (17)

                    Pros and cons of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (18)


                    Can provide pain relief within 30 minutes

                    Available as a lower-cost, generic medication

                    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (19)


                    Can be habit-forming

                    Not recommended to take with other medications containing acetaminophen since it can raise the risk of liver damage

                    Is a controlled medication, so there are special requirements to get a prescription filled

                    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (20)

                    Pharmacist tips for Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                    Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (21)

                    • It's common to have constipation as a side effect of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Drink enough water each day and add more foods with fiber to your diet. Speak to your care team if these lifestyle changes aren't enough to help with this side effect. They can recommend medications or a change in your pain treatment.

                      • Don't drink alcohol while you're taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Mixing them together can make you very sleepy or dizzy and unable to think clearly. It can also harm your liver.

                        • Take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) exactly as your prescriber instructed you to. Don't change your dose or stop taking the medication without talking to your prescriber first. Your prescriber might lower your dose slowly over a period of time before you can completely stop the medication. This lowers your risk for bothersome withdrawal symptoms like muscle aches, chills, and trouble sleeping.

                          • Make sure to always have naloxone (Narcan) with you. Naloxone is a medication that's used to help reverse the effects of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) in situations like an accidental overdose. Teach your loved ones about how to give naloxone to you if you can't do it yourself. Be sure to call for emergency help if you need to use naloxone because its effects are temporary.

                            • Let your prescriber know if you're pregnant before you start taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) or if you become pregnant while you're taking this medication. Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) isn't recommended during pregnancy.

                              • Tell your healthcare team if you're breastfeeding. It's typically recommended to avoid Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) because the opioid medication can get into breast milk. This raises the risk for serious side effects to your baby (e.g., sleepiness, slowed breathing).

                                • Keep Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) out of reach from children, pets, or visitors. There are a few drug take-back options to safely get rid of the medication if you don't need to take it anymore. This lessens the risk for accidental overdose and medication misuse.

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (22)

                                  Frequently asked questions about Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                                  Is Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) an opioid?


                                  Yes. Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is a combination medication that includes an opioid called hydrocodone. The other ingredient in this combination medication is acetaminophen, which is commonly known as Tylenol. Since one of the ingredients in Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is an opioid, Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is considered an opioid medication.

                                  Is Norco the same as Vicodin?


                                  Not quite, but they're very similar to each other. Norco and Vicodin are different brand-name medications that contain the same active ingredients, hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Norco and Vicodin both have varying strengths. They both have strengths that contain 5 mg, 7.5 mg, or 10 mg of hydrocodone. But Vicodin contains 300 mg of acetaminophen, whereas Norco contains 325 mg of acetaminophen. Both of these brand-name medications have been discontinued and aren't available in the US anymore (generic versions are still available though).

                                  Does Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) have a risk for addiction?


                                  Yes, Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) has a risk for addiction, which is one of the reasons why it's a schedule II controlled substance. Addiction can happen as a result of misuse, or when a medication is used for non-medical reasons for its desirable physical or emotional effects. Signs of addiction can include cravings to use the medication, continued use of the medication even though you have negative consequences from it, and withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. Take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) exactly as prescribed to you. Don't change the dose or how often you take it without talking to your prescriber first. Speak with your prescriber if you're concerned about the risk for addiction.

                                  How often can you take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)?


                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) is typically prescribed for use up to every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief. But your prescriber might adjust how often you should take it (for example, less often) depending on your medical condition(s), the other medications you're taking, and your pain. It's important to take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) only as prescribed. Taking more than what's prescribed raises the risk for misuse, serious side effects, and life-threatening overdose. Taking too much also puts you at risk for liver problems that can lead to liver failure. It's best to take the lowest dose of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) for the shortest amount of time possible. Talk to your prescriber if you're concerned about how well this medication is working for you.

                                  Does Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) make you sleepy?


                                  Yes, Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) can make you sleepy. Let your prescriber and care team know if you're taking other medications that make you sleepy, such as benzodiazepines or muscle relaxants. Also, avoid alcohol. Mixing Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) with these types of medications or alcohol can worsen sleepiness. Make sure to avoid driving or doing anything that requires concentration until you know how Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) affects you.

                                  Can you take ibuprofen with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)?


                                  Yes, it's generally safe to take ibuprofen (Advil) or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) with Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). In fact, it's usually recommended to take non-opioid pain medications like ibuprofen (Advil) for additional pain relief. This is a way to help lower the amount of opioids you take and to lessen the risks that come with using opioids. But it's best to ask your prescriber or pharmacist if it's safe for you to take ibuprofen (Advil) if you have a history of kidney problems, heart problems, or heart attack.

                                  Can you take Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) with Tylenol?


                                  It's recommended to avoid taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) with Tylenol. Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) already contains acetaminophen, which is commonly known as Tylenol. Taking Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) with over-the-counter Tylenol or other medications that contain acetaminophen can raise your risk of accidentally taking too much acetaminophen. This can lead to serious liver damage. Ask your pharmacist for help in choosing an over-the-counter product that doesn't have acetaminophen in it for additional pain relief or fever.

                                  What's the difference between Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) and Percocet (oxycodone / acetaminophen)?


                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) and Percocet (oxycodone / acetaminophen) are combination medications that contain an opioid and acetaminophen. But the opioid is different: Norco contains the opioid hydrocodone, whereas Percocet contains the opioid oxycodone. Some studies comparing the two opioid medications showed that they generally work just as well as each other to relieve pain. Nausea and dizziness side effects occurred less commonly in people who took acetaminophen with hydrocodone than with oxycodone. But another study found that the side effect of constipation was more common in people taking hydrocodone than in those taking oxycodone. Speak with your prescriber to learn more about the differences between these two opioid pain medications.

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (23)

                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) dosage forms

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (24)


                                  DosageAs low as
                                  5mg/300mg$24.24 for 60 tablets
                                  7.5mg/300mg$29.89 for 90 tablets
                                  10mg/300mg$45.18 for 120 tablets
                                  2.5mg/325mg$26.05 for 30 tablets
                                  5mg/325mg$20.10 for 90 tablets
                                  7.5mg/325mg$16.88 for 90 tablets
                                  10mg/325mg$26.52 for 120 tablets

                                  Typical dosing for Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                                  Your prescriber will work with you to find the right dose of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) for your individual needs. It's recommended to use the lowest dose possible for the shortest duration of time to manage your pain.

                                  The typical starting dose is 5 mg/325 mg (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) by mouth every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain.

                                  Keep in mind that this medication is available in different strengths — the tablets can contain different amounts of hydrocodone and acetaminophen in them. Make sure you know which strength you're using and how to take it properly. Ask your prescriber or pharmacist if you have any questions about your dose.

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (25)

                                  How much does Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) cost?

                                  To access savings, use a GoodRx coupon and pay just a fraction of the retail price.

                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) (generic)

                                  savings_outlinedGoodRx lowest price$24.80(save 84.27%)

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (26)

                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) contraindications

                                  Contraindications are specific health conditions or situations in which a person shouldnot take a medication due to safety concerns. If you have any of the following conditionsor if any of the following apply to you, let your healthcare provider know because Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen) will not be safe for you to take.

                                  • Severely slowed breathing (respiratory depression)

                                  • Severe asthma

                                  • Medical conditions that cause blockage of the stomach passageway

                                  • Allergy to hydrocodone or acetaminophen

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (27)

                                  What are alternatives to Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)?

                                  There are a number of medications that your doctor can prescribe in place of Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen). Compare a few possible alternatives below.

                                  Norco (hydrocodone / acetaminophen)

                                  Used for:

                                  • Pain that isn't relieved by non-opioid pain medications alone

                                  $24.80 Lowest GoodRx priceView Prices

                                  Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

                                  Used for:

                                  • Mild pain

                                  • Fever

                                  $2.49 Lowest GoodRx priceView Prices


                                  Used for:

                                  • Short-term relief of minor aches and pains due to headache, muscle aches, minor arthritis pain, toothache, backache, the common cold, or menstrual cramps

                                  • Fever

                                  • Mild-to-moderate pain

                                  • Pain from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA)

                                  • Pain from menstrual cramps

                                  $8.39 Lowest GoodRx priceView Prices

                                  Norco (Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx (2024)
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                                  Name: Duane Harber

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                                  Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.