Today in the Bay : KNTV : June 24, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> reporter: saggy pants or women's lingerie. which is appropriate on an airplane. after a young football player was arrested. i'm christie smith. i'll tell what you they are planning. >> new details in the arrest of crime boss whitey bulger and b.a.r.t. approved a $3 million extension that will help east bay commuters. a live look outside this morning. it's friday, june 24th and this is "today in the east bay."

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>> good morning. it's 4:30. i'm scott mcgrew. start with a weekend forecast and christina loren. >> good morning. we are so happy it's friday here. we have a cool start for you. 54 in fairfield, 54 in concord and 54 in livermore. wherever you are headed it's going to be gorgeous. 79 degrees is the forecasted high in concord, livermore around 80. one of those days you're happy it's the weekend so you can enjoy it. stays nice through saturday. we have changes sunday into next week. we'll talk about that. 4:31, you have to head out the door now, what are they facing on the roads, mike? >> a lot of nothing. because it's 4:30. there is construction, though, overnight because it's still officially, well, daytime but nighttime. 880, the repaving going on. resurfacing the on and off ramps so watch for that. jackson street, we're watching for that. so far no major delays and

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detours are posted. also northbound 880 to 980 we have that construction on that ramp. that's until 5:30 so watch for the detour. sounds like the connector is open. back to you, scott. >> thank you. today rhetoric over the appropriate dress aboard a commercial airline will ratchet up a notch as to do with the arrest of a man after he boarded with saggy pants. christie smith is live at sfo with how the naacp is getting involved. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the question is, is this about complying with orders on a plane or racial profiling. the san francisco naacp says this is a double standard in the treatment of football player deshon marman. this picked up steam when what they are calling a scantily clad cross dresser was allowed to fly free of harassment or

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discrimination. marman, a student and football player was on u.s. airways when he was arrested on a flight when he did not immediately pull up his pants as requested. according to a statement by the san francisco naacp they have concerns with the baggy pants fad but the punishment does not fit the crime. here's where the story heats up. they say according to online reports, u.s. irways let another man fly six days earlier with no issues when, quote, when asked why a cross dresser would be allowed to fly without bother, the airline has said they have no dress code. and the question they are saying, if there is no dress code, why was the young man singled out and then arrested? the naacp joining with marman's mother here in san francisco. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, today in the east bay. >> thank you.

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4:33 now. san francisco begins several days of celebrating starting with the pride march this afternoon. the march comes shortly after a judge's decision not to pursue felony hate crimes against two men accused of assaulting a transgender woman. the men beat and robbed the the woman in the mission two months ago. days later at a rally against violence the victim told nbc bay area news the men called her hom*ophobic name, the two men will face trial on robbery and assault, just not felony hate crime. >> it sends a different message to the community. i'm puzzled why the judge did one and not the other. i think it was important to send a message to the transgenldser community they will be protected. >> a misdemeanor conviction can lead to one year in county jail. a felony hate conviction can lead to one to three years in prison. >> state health officials are investigating claims of a bottle of crystal geyser water sickened a mother and child.

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tammy says her brother purchased the water at a supermarket. tammy and her 7-year-old son became ill. it's not clear what caused that sudden illness. they blame the water. the california department of health told us, quote, this appears to be an isolated event. cdph is continuing its investigation, it has not completed analysis of the suspect water. >> for its part crystal geyser is testing the water as well. crystal geyser and lucky have not received other complaint. arrested boss james whitey bulger could be headed back to boston. he was on the run 16 years. the fbi caught up with him on wednesday. how did they catch him? through his girlfriend. patrick healy takes a look. >> reporter: tonight holding time in the metropolitan detention center for james whitey bulger and companion catherine greig.

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facing what they had been able to avoid. the $800,000 cash authorities found stashed in their apartment now for naut. what else was insnide >> more than 30 firearms, pistols, rifles and shot guns, several types of knives, and several pieces of false identification. >> the chief of the l.a. office said the wednesday arrests came within hours of the long-awaited tip so. what led to it? >> have you seen this woman? >> it was a shift of focus in this video the fbi released monday. figuring it more likely greig would be spotted than bulger now 81. authorities believe she underwent plastic surgery. the spot was played in 14 cities including san francisco and san diego but not l.a., though there was media coverage here. >> we're not at liberty to disclose the identity of the source for security reasons. >> martinez would not say what city the tip came from nor comment that it was greig who

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decided to end the charade. that seemed unlikely after she was seated next to bulger facing a charge of harboring him. >> he appeared calm, collected and he said in a matter of fact way he was with the charges against him. >> they did not dispute their identity and were ordered returned to boston where he will be charged under two federal indictments. albeit older and more frail and almost unrecognizable as the once most feared man in boston. bulger is also wanted for homicides in tulsa and miami but boston will get him first, perhaps as soon as tomorrow. patrick healy for nbc bay area news. >> better late than never. 1 foryears after plans were drawn up the oakland zoo is moving forward with exspation. the council approved the plan which will add a veterinary hospital and 20 acres of exhibits featuring regionally

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extinct animals like the wolf and bald eagle. the expansion will focus on native plant life and local culture history. an all' electric tram will transport visitors to and from the hillside expansion. let's check win christina. boy, get to the weekend, the weather gets gorgeous. >> really, really does. this is going to be the best day of the week. best day of the week. we started without the triple digits inland, east bay you saw 104 degrees in pleasanton on tuesday. today the forecasted high, 79 degrees. a gorgeous day inland. cool if you're headed to the city. starting out with fair skies. i expect a good marine push. throughout the day today, temperatures aren't going to climb that much because we have a really thick marine layer. it's going to take longer to clear the east bay. might not be until 10:00 or 11:00. the temperatures in the 50s will only climb to the low 70s, 69 at

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noon in concord and 64 in hayward. once the sun comes out it will warm us up to about 80 degrees between noon and 4:00 p.m. in livermore, 83 in fairfield and 78 in fremont. tomorrow we stay pretty much the same, then changes for the weekend. sunday, i'll let you know what that means for your outdoor plans. right now if you're headed out trying to hit the road mike is here. >> you will be successful in most spots. no major issues. we have construction marked. 242, 680 near the interchange, that should be picked up at 5:00. as well as the one on highway 4 eastbound and is not a full closure. and also the on ramp at leverage. the area circled, that's been a problem for the last four days. a lot of slowing out of pittsburg and bay point to concord. that's been slower than antioch for the last two, specifically 5:30 to 6:30 when things should

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start further west. watching for that shift. it's get away friday, likely a lighter volume. interstate 80 across the carquinez bridge, a nice drive into the east bay. an earlier sigalert has cleared about a half hour ago. down the east shore freeway an 18-minute drive to the bay bridge toll plaza and a look at oakland. at the coliseum that's, folks wondserring i think there is a song how you get there. >> you know what letter it's brought to you by. the letter o. >> >> a lot of batchlers in the bay area. do they have game when it comes to meeting women? we'll take you through so much boot camp. the car at the top of the list may surprise you. and the warriors make their pick. you're looking at a live picture of the bay bridge.

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>> 4:43. we take a live look at interstate 880. mike will be with us in a minute. speaking of the warriors picked up new members at last night's

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nba draft. they took klay thompson. a shooting guard from washington state university. in the second round they got rights to power forward jeremy tyler as well. and charles jenkins, a guard from hofstra university. here is a quiz for you. what's the most popular cereal in america? here is a hint. it's been a top seller for general mills since 1951, if you need more hints, babies like it. cheerio, the iconic brand turns 70 this year. for more news before the bell let's turn to brian shactman. good morning. >> thank you very much. futures are slightly higher. they were higher about a half hour ago after yesterday's late day turn around on wall street stocks were down, the dow up 200 points on a combination of news, a jump in jobless claims, a slump in oil prices, the u.s. and several countries surprised the markets by announcing they would release 60 million barrels

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of emergency oil reserves. and then stocks rebounded on news of a possible deal on greece debt. i can tell you that asian markets edged higher and there are green arrows now in europe. here in the u.s. we get data this morning on durable goods and the final report on first quarter gdp. we're told the economy likely grew more than thought over the winter. the dow closing down 59 points to 12,050. the nasdaq positive by 17 points. here is an auto story. despite being caught up by toyota's safety recall, lexus still tops the jd power quality study. the sedan had the fewest problems in the first 90 days of ownership. ford dropped from fifth all the way to 23rd place, jd powers says that's partly due to fords new entertainment system which replaces the knobs and the dials in the car. so they got to work out the

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kinks there. i hope you guys have a great weekend. >> thank you, brian. new trouble for one of the bay area's most spectacular but risky views, expanding bluff damage causing concern along pacifica's esplanade avenue. heavy rains hammered one of the apartment buildings. buildings were evacuated back in the winter of 2009 and 2010 because of safety concerns. many people in those buildings that are still livable have spent big money on sea walls and curbing erosion. i think we're seeing people moving out of those, christina. good morning. >> good morning to you. you know, we have rain in the forecast believe it or not. as we head through next week, a little bit of rain. i think it will stay confined to the north bay. unusual for this time of year. we have a really nice fair stretch of weather for places in the south bay, i don't think you'll see that rain, east bay for you. you're looking good as we head through next week. temperatures stay below 85 degrees all the way across the

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board wait till you see my 7 day. this is this morning, nice and clear over fairfield, antioch through livermore. but i am expecting the fog, the marine push to create mostly cloudy conditions probably right around 6:00 a.m. i think you'll get through the 5:00 a.m. hour without seeing that fog. 54 degrees in concord. 52 in livermore and 56 in hayward. headed toward 70 as you break for lunch. a great day to have lunch outdoors if you can. 74 in fairfield at noon. in the city today, kind of cool, kind of cloudy, one of those dreary days. a little sunshine afternoon in the city. 79 in concord. that's the forecasted high. 78 in fremont and conditions stay pretty nice as we head throughout the weekend. we're going to seechanges, a system of low pressure is going to drop in. if you're looking for the sunshine, get outside maybe work on that tan this weekend, i think that sunday is not the day to do it. saturday will be, we're going to see a few more clouds from what we expect today. sunday mostly cloudy.

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mostly cloudy skies at times so keep that in mind. the clouds thicken up on monday as we have a system approaching, probably going to bring us pretty good rain in the north bay but staying north of the golden gate bridge, if you're getting ready to head outdoors turn on knbr and listen to our own scott mcgrew. take him with you. and hi, pecan. >> patrick will be excited. the bay area speaking of, is full of successful smart bachelors, many have in common. now boot camps are popping up promising to help some of these men get the women of their dreams. vicki nguyen takes us inside the seduction seminar. >> sirens in the night, signals saying go. friday night in san francisco, once named the city that knows how. >> this is something you have to

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practice. >> and if sf is the city that knows how, this is the boot camp to learn how. >> is there any one that hasn't read the game? >> to get game and girls. >> how you dress, how you behave and how you smell. >> it's three days and two nights of intense training, run by the abc's of attraction, the slogan, empower yourself. >> i've always been very shy. >> i'm a manager. >> we agreed to hide the men's faces because in the world of swagger and seduction, a how to workshop doesn't scream sexy. >> give fun by being different. >> there is no shame in admitting you need help with your game. >> guys say i'm not good with women, i don't know what they want. >> along with these wing men and women jones takes the men through charts, graphs, scripts and exercises. >> stand your ground. turn around, big smile. >> learning to be fun makers,

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not fun takers. >> gentlemen don't use straws. you guys are never ever, ever allowed to walk through the crowd like this. slower and lower toonalities appeal to the subconscious mind. >> how to walk, how to walk confidently. and how to turn a girl. >> touch, turn, release. hi. >> it's a technical approach to a social skill that appeals to these book smart bachelors, a typical student is a college grad with a 6 figure salary. >> i had no girlfriends in high school. barely any dates in college. and so i was very awkward. >> he is a boot cam grad washington he says so many bachelors look great on paper but dating is their achilles' heel, as friend of a friend recently proved. >> his suggestion for the first date was to eat at the google cafeteria. which as you know is free food. as an engineer, i have access to

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free food. why would i pay for something. very successful person but this was a blind spot. >> after four hours in class, the men faced their first challenge. each one must approach ten women and invite them to hang out. >> how's everybody feeling? >> tonight's not about getting numbers, it's just about socializing. >> one last practice turn and it's go time. we watch as they approach, turn and talk to multiple women. >> i went up to her and i turned her around and i said cheers. >> not a single drink gets splashed on the men. >> she was like i'm so and so. it's my friend's birthday. >> he remembers those days when practice made perfect. he's now in a long term relationship. >> i'd say a majority of the guys aren't looking for a gazillion one night stands trying to find a bunch of club

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girls with like butter fly tattoos. >> most of the guys want to find a nice girl. >> what is the happily ever after. >> every guy wants something. i've been a best man at two weddings and like, i've never had an experience cooler than that. >> in the city that knows how, men are learning how. >> everybody likes fun. >> one boot camp at a time. >> yes. awesome. thank you. >> vicki nguyen, nbc bay area news. >> these boot camps cost from $900 to $1500. coming up, with the warmer weather ahead the contra costa fire department trying to do everything to make sure your kids are safe around the pool. it's years in the planning. now it looks like a b.a.r.t. extension has a formal green light. >> and definitely green cars along the current b.a.r.t. corridor past the coliseum. we have road work getting a little bit of improvement through oakland but really that's not causing a problem. i'll show you where we expect slowdowns coming

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>> this morning in the east bay officials are making an effort to keep your pool safe. the contra costa fire protection district says in five years they responded to drowning incidents that resulted in ten deaths. they have meetings that will

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focus on drowning education. the first will be today at the pruitt family water park from antioch. >> let's check in with laura. laura, a thought on that drowning story. i have covered a dozen of those as a reporter. best way to keep your kid from drowning in the backyard pool is not have a back yard pool. >> exactly. even the small kiddie pools. you have to remember to drain the water. >> that too. >> yeah. sad. all right. let's talk about some fun things we're going to have. we're going to be live at pixar to talk to the creators of cars 2 and how they tried to top the original. plus, is it safe to go back in the water? speaking of you know, cooling off, an update on the shark sighting at stinson beach. and live to los angeles for an update on the arrest of a notorious mob crime boss. new details are emerging. very interesting. see you in a bit. >> thank you much.

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let's check in with mike. >> good morning, scott. i told folks about this construction on 880 coming through downtown. a new skin on the roadway, that's about 3/4 inch of asphalt. it's going to affect some of the on ramps. maybe the connector to eastbound and 880 is blocked. if it is, just use the on ramp to 980. over the bay we see a smooth flow, in from the city over to the east bay, out of the east bay, can barely make out the lights but flashing light to the left. one lane is blocked through the "s" curve. back to you. >> thank you, mike. stick around for more of "today in the bay." live as the controversy over a man asked to leave an airliner because of his saggy pants heats up. you'll read more about it on facebook. youoin s there, nbc bay area morning news. back in a minute.

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Today in the Bay : KNTV : June 24, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.