What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (2024)

What food did convicts eat?

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What work did convicts do?

What was it like inside a convict’s house?

Were the convicts well-behaved?

What clothes did a convict wear?

By 1801 Sydney had grown into a little village with streets and buildings. Many of the buildings were made of timber and stone, some older houses were made from .

Convicts lived in their own homes in an area known as ‘The Rocks’, some with their families. But it wasn’t just convicts living in the village; local Aboriginal people lived there too. They camped near the convict houses, fished on the harbour, traded goods and food with townsfolk and brought news from further away.

Aboriginal people had lived in and around Sydney Cove for thousands of years and they called it . By now they were used to the sight of new ships arriving and they would often be out on the harbour in their canoes.

For newly arrived convicts, the environment of Sydney was strange and very different to what they were used to. During summer, days of unbearable heat were often followed by ferocious thunderstorms and torrential rain.

Overhead flew flocks of brightly coloured parrots and co*ckatoos, while kangaroos, echidnas, wombats and goannas roamed the scrubby bush. Most convicts enjoyed living in Sydney more than living on settler farms in the bush. In town they could visit friends or family for a cup of tea or lunch, enjoy a dance in fancy clothes or visit a theatre. When they were not working, they gambled with their money, played games and relaxed.

What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (1)

Sydney as a little village.

The painting above (from 1803) shows visiting ships anchored in the harbour, houses with chimneys and fences and a simple system of streets. The long white building is the hospital and there are a range of different people in the foreground. The weather looks likea bright clear day.

Title: Sydney from the west side of the cove
Artist: George Evans
Date: 1802

What food did convicts eat?

Most convicts were given a daily ration by the government. They collected it from the government food store and were given:

  • 450 grams of
  • 450 grams of corn (sometimes still on the cob)
  • 450 grams of wheat flour to make bread.

Women and teenagers were given smaller rations than the men – so they would have often been hungry.

Sometimes the meat was rotten because it had been kept for months, or even years, on a ship before being issued. In the colony, when the weather was bad and crops got damaged, the convicts were given less to eat.

If a convict had some money they could buy more food. Better still, if they had a small vegetable garden at their home they could eat, or sell, what they were able to grow. Some convicts tried to catch fish or collect oysters and shellfish in Sydney harbour to give them more to eat. They also tried to hunt animals like ducks, birds and kangaroos – but that was not easy.

Aboriginal people hunted, gathered and carefully managed the various local food sources, making sure they didn’t take too much. But when convicts started to hunt and collect food in the same areas, they often took too much. This put pressure on the environment and reduced the amount of food available.

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What work did convicts do?

Convict men started work at 7am and did lots of different jobs. Most men worked for government ‘gangs’ although some worked for free settlers and soldiers. They cut down trees, sawed timber, made bricks, built doors, windows and furniture. Some men pulled carts and others moved buckets and barrels of water.

The government lumberyard (located on the corner of Bridge and George streets) was an important place where men with trades worked side by side.

Carpenters worked with wood, wheelwrights built wheels, tailors and shoemakers made clothes, and blacksmiths made chains and work tools. A few educated convicts that could read and write, like James Hardy Vaux, were given government desk jobs.

Female convicts did different work to the men. Many of them worked for families as cooks, maids, nurses or washerwomen. However, one female convict called Ann Marsh, ran a pub in the Rocks as well as a river ferry service between Sydney and Parramatta.

A lot of the work that convicts did affected Aboriginal people, their way of life and their close connection to their country. Cutting down trees and clearing land destroyed traditional hunting grounds. Catching fish and collecting oysters from the waterways meant there was less available for Aboriginal people to feed their families. Building farms and fences made it harder for Aboriginal people to travel across, care for and camp in areas that they had used and nurtured for many years.

What was it like inside a convict’s house?

Convicts were often quite comfortable. They lived in two or three roomed houses, shared with fellow convicts or with a family. They had tables and chairs, cooked dinner (like pea and ham soup) over a fireplace and ate their food on china crockery using silver cutlery!

They slept on beds with mattresses, washed their clothes with buckets and washboards, and hung it out on the line to dry in the sun. Some convicts kept animals like chickens and pigs and might also have tended a small vegetable garden.

Were the convicts well-behaved?

Most convicts worked hard and tried to behave well so that they would earn a ticket-of-leave. A ticket-of-leave meant a convict could work for himself or herself, earning money and enjoying more freedom.

William Noah is a good example of a convict who worked hard and was well-behaved.

Noah had been convicted of robbery in England and sentenced to transportation for life. He arrived in Sydney in 1799 and was sent to work at the government lumberyard, where he worked hard for many years. In 1818 he was given an Absolute Pardon, which meant his 'life sentance' was over, and he then lived in Sydney for the rest of his life as a free man.

However, if a convict was badly behaved, refused to work, stole food or tools, or tried to escape they could be punished with a flogging or a stint in chains. If their behavior was really serious they faced being sent to work in the mines of Newcastle or further away on lonely Norfolk Island.

What clothes did a convict wear?

Convict men were given work clothes, called ‘slops’, by the government. They got a cotton shirt, a blue woollen jacket and waistcoat, white trousers and shoes. They were also given a woollen cap or hat.

Women wore jackats, shifts (with a petticoat underneath), stockings, shoes and a cap on their head.

After work and on weekends male and female convicts would take off their government clothes and change into something nicer. They would wear fancy coats, tailor-made dresses, new shoes and hats, and buy new clothes with any money they had saved.


History skills in action (source analysis)

Artworks are a terrific way to learn about history. They often contain evidence (clues) that shows you what life was like in the past for different people and how places have changed over time.

Investigate both artworks for clues that help you answer the questions below. Then use those answers (as well as all the information provided above) to help you complete the creative writing task below.

Start with the first painting. Then investigate the sketch, it has a helpful key at the bottom with a lot of information about the different buildings and places you can see.

Click on the images to make them larger.

  1. Describe all the different people you can see in the painting and what they are doing.
  2. Look carefully – can you find any evidence of vegetable gardens in the front yards of the houses?
  3. Try and locate the Governor’s house – it faces the ship in the harbour, has two chimneys and is high up on a hill.
  4. What can you see being built on the shores of Sydney Harbour?

Now use the sketch to find out more about what the different buildings are, and who used them. Use the numbers in the key to start investigating.

Imagine you are a convict living near Sydney Cove around 1800.

Write a letter to a family member who lives back in London and tell them about:

  • where you live, what you eat and the work you do
  • the different people who live in Sydney, and where they live
  • what the different buildings are like
  • what the environment is like
  • the different activities you see people doing each day around the town
  • how you feel about living in Sydney.

What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (2)

Convict Sydney

Ticket of leave

This Ticket of Leave granted to convict Thomas Beaton shows how well-behaved convicts could reduce the length of their sentences

What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (3)

Convict Sydney

Hack barrow

Convict brickmakers working at the Brickfields (now Haymarket) used hack barrows like this one, stacking 20 or 30 wet bricks on the timber palings along the top, for transporting them from the moulding table to the ‘hack’ yard for drying


What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (4)

Convict Sydney

Convict Sydney

From a struggling convict encampment to a thriving Pacific seaport, a city takes shape.

  • Convicts

What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (5)

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What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (6)

Convict Sydney


These convict-era objects and archaeological artefacts found at Hyde Park Barracks and The Mint (Rum Hospital) are among the rarest and most personal artefacts to have survived from Australia’s early convict period

  • Archaeology
  • Convicts
  • Collections
  • Clothing
  • Hyde Park Barracks
What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW (2024)


What was life in early Sydney like for convicts? | MHNSW? ›

Convict men started work at 7am and did lots of different jobs. Most men worked for government 'gangs' although some worked for free settlers and soldiers. They cut down trees, sawed timber, made bricks, built doors, windows and furniture. Some men pulled carts and others moved buckets and barrels of water.

What was life like for convicts on the boat coming to Australia? ›

As the system of transportation to Australia proved viable, the hulks remained in service until the mid-19th century as holding gaols for transportees. Conditions aboard these floating prisons were notorious. They were dirty, overcrowded, and disease-ridden.

What was life like for child convicts in Australia? ›

In these early years child convicts were not treated differently from the adults. Everyone had to find their own place to live. As the number of convicts increased, it was necessary to find a way to house them and to control their work hours.

When did the first convicts arrive in Sydney? ›

The first settlement, at Sydney, consisted of about 850 convicts and their Marine guards and officers, led by Governor Arthur Phillip. They arrived at Botany Bay in the "First Fleet" of 9 transport ships accompanied by 2 small warships, in January, 1788.

What was the life like for the early settlers in Australia? ›

Life was very hard for most of Australia's early settlers. The colonists of New South Wales struggled to find fertile land, and the hot, dry climate made farming even more difficult. The seasons were different from Britain's, and most of the plants and animals were unfamiliar.

What did the convicts do when they were in Australia? ›

Convicts were a source of labour to build roads, bridges, courthouses, hospitals and other public buildings, or to work on government farms, while educated convicts may have been given jobs such as record-keeping for the government administration. Female convicts, on the other hand, were generally employed as domestic ...

How were Australian convicts treated? ›

The treatment of the transported convicts was poor and the use of excessive punishment was rife throughout the penal system. Lashings were commonplace and for those prisoners who did not behave accordingly, they were taken elsewhere to suffer a secondary punishment.

What was Sydney called before? ›

The cove was called Warrane by the Aboriginal inhabitants. Phillip considered naming the settlement Albion, but this name was never officially used. By 1790 Phillip and other officials were regularly calling the township Sydney. Sydney was declared a city in 1842.

Did Australian convicts get paid? ›

Some convicts were employed as overseers, to control the gangs of convict workers, and others were even paid to do more responsible jobs, like being a constable, a guard, or a scourger – the man who whipped the other convicts as punishment!

What jobs did child convicts do in Australia? ›

Very few were young girls, but just like the older female convicts they were given jobs as servants in houses and on farms as soon as they arrived in the colony. They also did light work such as spinning, weaving and doing laundry at the female factory at Parramatta. However, there were many more boy convicts.

What was life in early Sydney like? ›

The early history of Sydney was grimly dominated by its existence as a British penal colony. Convicts, dumped on this alien shore, found the environment a harsh one. The soil was poor, and the land was rough and had to be cleared by hand.

What was life like for convicts in Sydney? ›

Convict men started work at 7am and did lots of different jobs. Most men worked for government 'gangs' although some worked for free settlers and soldiers. They cut down trees, sawed timber, made bricks, built doors, windows and furniture. Some men pulled carts and others moved buckets and barrels of water.

What did convicts build in Sydney? ›

Convicts built roads, buildings, bridges and wharves. They were not always the most skilled, enthusiastic or productive workforce, but their labour was cheap and it allowed major building projects to be undertaken in the early years of Sydney that might otherwise have been too expensive.

What was life like for the early settlers? ›

The earliest European settlers were convicts and their guards (initially from Britain). Circ*mstances required them to find or produce their own food. The difficult situation made them develop skills or die. They learnt to plant crops (European crops) and hunt.

What was the daily life of the early settlers? ›

Settlers were forced to leave their village in packs, well-armed, and always on the alert. It goes without saying that daily life in early colonial America was hard work. Men labored long hours building homes and other structures. Women tended to the children, gardened, and maintained the home.

What did early settlers eat in Australia? ›

The diet of the earliest settlers was monotonous and inadequate, with numerous crises of both local and imported supply. The stores issued at Sullivan's Cove were initially limited to beef or pork (later supplemented by locally caught fish, kangaroo, emu and seafood), flour or wheat and sugar.

What did the convicts do after arriving in Australia? ›

Many of the convicts who lived at the Barracks were skilled tradesmen, so they were valuable to the government. Some were trained to make bricks, build walls, carve stone, cut down trees and work the timber, while others were trained to make buckets and water barrels and to make wheels.

What was life like for the convicts on the first fleet? ›

A week into the voyage, Captain Phillip ordered that the convicts be released from their chains. But the prisoners still had to spend most of their time below the deck in dark, cramped conditions. Many of the convicts were in bad health even before the voyage began.

What did the convicts eat in Australia? ›

It was usually 450 grams of salted meat (either mutton or beef), cooked again into a stew, and some bread. By 1826, the government also had a more established cattle stock available and so the meat served to convicts was fresher and taken from better-quality cuts than before.

How did the convicts come to Australia? ›

In all, eleven ships were sent in what became known as the First Fleet. Other than the convict transports, there were two naval escorts and three storeships. The fleet assembled in Portsmouth and set sail on 13 May 1787. The eleven ships arrived at Botany Bay over the three day period of 18 - 20 January 1788.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.